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单词 know
释义 know /nau; no/ vt, vi (pt knew) /nju: US: nu:; nju/, pp known /naun; non/ 1 [VP6A, 8, 9, 10, 17, 25, 2A] have in the mind as the result of experience or of being informed, or because one has learned: 知道; 晓得; 懂得: Every child ~s that two and two make four. 每个孩子都知道二加二等于四。 He ~s a lot of English. 他懂得许多英文。 Do you ~ how to play chess? 你会下西洋棋吗? / don't ~ whether he is here or not. 我不知道他是否在此地。 I ~ (that) he's an honest man. 我知道他是个诚实的人。 I ~ him to be honest. 我知道他是诚实的 I'm not guessing— I really ~. 我不是在猜想 —— 我真的知道。 Oh, yes, I ~ all about that. 败,最的,我对那事全知道。 There's no ~ing (- It is impossible to ~) when We shall meet again. 不知道何时我们再相见。 [VP17, 18B] (past and perfect tenses only): (仅用于过去和完成时态): I have never ~〃 a man (to) die of love, but I have ~ n a disappointed lover (to) lose weight. 我从未看到有人因恋爱而死,但我曾看到失宪的人消冠。 ~ one's business/what's 'what/ the ropes/a 'thing or two, have common sense, good judgement, practical experience. 明事理; 有头脑; 精明能干。 ~ better than to do sth. be wise 方认识他(例如因其曾犯过案,在他们的记录中有他的名字)。 be ~ as: 以…着称; 通称为 He's ~ n as (= has the reputation of being) a successful archi- fecf. 他以成功的建筑师闻名。 ~ sb from sb, distinguish from: 辨识: They're twins and it's almost impossible to ~ one from the other. 他们是双生, 旁人几乎无从辨别。 ~ sb from Adam/from a bar of soap, (colloq) have no idea who he is. (俗)不境得某人是谁。 3 [VP6A] have personal experience of: 经历; 遭受: He knew poverty and sorrow in his early life. 他早年经历如穷困与忧患。 He's ~ “ better days, has not always been so poor, unfortunate, etc, as he is now. 他曾享受过好日子(并不总是像现在这样穷愁潦倒等)。 4 [VP6A] be able to recognize: 能辨识: He ~s a good singing voice when he hears one. 他有辨识好的歌声的能力。 She doesn't ~ a swallow from a house-martin. 的分别不出移居的燕和墙上筑巢的燕。 5 [VP3A] ~ about / of, have information concerning; be aware of: 听说关于…的事情; 知道: I knew about that last week. 我上星期听说过那事。 I didn’t ~ about that, was in ignorance 我不应话那事。 I of an excellent little restaurant near here. 我听说附近有一家非常好的小餐馆 c 'Has Smith been ill?' - 'Not that l ~ of' I am not aware of his having been ill. '史密斯病了吗?我没听说。’I don't actually ~ (2) the man you mention, but of course I ~ of him, I'm aware of his existence. 我不认识你提到的这个人,不过我的确听说过他。 6 (compounds) (复合字) idon't ~ n (colloq) person who is unable to give an answer in a poll'(2). (俗)民意调查中不能回答问题之人。 '~-all n person who as, or claims to ~, everything. 无所不知之人; 自称无所不知之人。 '~-how n [Uj faculty of ~ing how (to do sth); knowledge of methods; ingenuity (contrasted with theoretical knowledge). 技能; 去法上的知识; 技巧(以别于理论上的知识)。 n (only in) (仅用于) in the ~, (colloq) having information not shared by all or not available to att. (俗)知道实情的; 熟识内幕的。 enough not to...: 明白事理而不至于… You ought to ~ better than to go swimming on such a cold day. 你应该知道在这样冷的天去游泳是不对的。 2 [VP6A] be acquainted with (a person); be able to distinguish (sb) from others: 认识(一人); 认出: Do you ~ Mr Hill? Have you met him, talked with him, etc? 你认识希尔先生吗? (Cf 参较 Do you ~ (1) who Napoleon was? 你知道拿破 是谁 U ?) I ~ Mr White by sight but have never spoken to him. 我认识怀特先生, 但从未同他说过话。 I've ~ ” Mrs Grey since I was a child. 我从小便认识格雷太太。 I was introduced to Miss Wood last week, but I've a bad memory for faces and might not ~ (=recognize) her again. 上星期我经介绍结识了伍德小姐,但我对面孔的记忆力很坏,再见面时可能认不出她来了。 make oneself to sb. introduce oneself: 百淼介绍: There's your host; you'd better make yourself to him. 那边就是(你的) 主人,你最好向他做一番自我介绍。 be ~n to: 为…所熟知 He's ~ n to the police, The police have his name in their records, eg because he has been a criminal. U




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