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单词 contain
释义 contain /kan'tcm; kan'ten/ yr [VP6A] (not in the progressive tenses) (不用连行式) 1 have or hold within itself: 包含; 含有: The atlas ~s forty maps, including three of Great Britain. 这地图集逐有卤十幅地图,包括三幅英国地图在内。 Whisky ~s a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌酒含有酒精的百分比甚高。 2 be equal to: 等于: A gallon ~s eight pints. 一加仑等于八品脱。 3 be capable of holding: 能容纳; 可盛; 可装: How much does this bottle ~? 这瓶字能装多少? 4 keep feelings, enemy forces, etc under control, within limits: 控制 (情绪、敌军等); 围堵; 牵制: Can't you ~ your enthusiasm? 徐不馆控制你药热情吗? He couldn't ~ himself for joy, was so happy that his feelings burst out. 他抑制不住他的欢乐乏情。 He couldn't ~ his wine, was sick, became drunk, etc. 他不能控制他的酒量 (病了,醉了等) 。 Has the cholera outbreak been ~ed, prevented from spreading? 霍乱的发生已经被控制住 (不再蔓延) 了吗? 5 (geom) form the boundary of: (几何) 构成…的边界; 围; 夹: The angle ~ed by the lines A B and AC in the triangle A BC is a right angle. 在三角形 ABC 中为 >18 和 4C 两边所夹的角是直角。 6 (maths) be divisible by, without a remainder: (数学) 可被…除尽; 可整除: 12 ~s 2, 3, 4 and 6. 12 可被 2, 3, 4 和 6 除尽。 ~er n 1 box, bottle, etc designed to ~ sth. 容器 (箱、匣、瓶等) 。 2 large metal box or other sealed ~er for transport of goods by road, rail, sea or air: 货柜 (公路、铁路、海上或空中货运用的大型金属箱或其他密闭式的容器):' ~er crane, large crane mounted on a gantry, used on quays, etc to move ~ ers (2). 货柜起重机 (码头等处装于桥形台架上用以装卸货柜的大型起重机) 。 ' ~ ertrain/liner, one designed for such ~ers; 货柜列车 (货运班机); '~er traffic; 货柜交通; '~er depot, eg where ~ers are loaded and unloaded. 货柜站 (袤卸货横的地点) 。 ~ment n [U] policy of preventing a State from extending its sphere of influence. (阻止一国家延伸其势力范围的) 封锁政策; 围堵政策。




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