单词 | consume |
释义 | consume /kan'sju: m US: -'su: m; kon'sum/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] eat or drink. 食; 饮。 2 [VP6A] use up; get to the end of; destroy by fire or wastefulness: 用尽; 耗尽; 被火或因浪费而毁灭; 荡尽: ~ all one's energies. 耗尽其所有的精力。 The flames quickly ~d the wooden huts. 火焰很快地呑灭了那些商陋的木屋。 He soon ~d his fortune, spent the money wastefully, 他不久就把他的财产挥灵殆尽。 He was ~d (— filled) with envy/hatred/greed. 他心中充满着嫉妒 (仇. 恨,贪婪) 。 This is time-consuming work, work that takes up a lot of time. 这是一项费时的工作。 3 ~ away, waste away. 丧失体力及健康; 消瘦; 憔悴。 con sum ing part adj possessing or dominating: 占有的; 控制的; 支配的: consuming ambition. 占有的野心; 支配的野心。 |
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