释义 |
迟疑不决chí yí bù juébe irresolute; hesitate to make a decision; remain undecided ❍ 是她先向我进攻,我的阵线已经被她攻破了。我做了她的俘虏。她反而有点~了。(巴金《春天里的秋天》) It was she who had taken the offensive against me,breaking through my defences ,so that I became her captive. But then she had begun to hesitate. ❍ 你的一生,误事就误在 ‘~’ 四个字上! (吴强 《红日》 184) The trouble with you all your life has been that you hesitate too much. ❍ 你若~,这就是怯弱,怯弱的人似乎是不很可爱的。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》 208) If you remain undecided,that will be cowardice,and I don't think a coward would be a nice person to know. 迟疑不决chí yí bù jué犹豫,下不了决心。hesitate to make a decision, be undecided, remain undecided, be irresolute |