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mischiefn. 1. misfortune,calamity,disaster,trouble不幸,灾祸,灾难,麻烦。 △Wiv.4.2.77(73): “Good hearts,devisesomething; any extremity rather than a mischief.”好人儿们,想个办法吧,怎么样都行,只要不遭灾祸。 △Ado. 3. 2.137(132):“O mischief strangely thwarting!”啊,灾难偏偏来阻挡好事。 △Oth.1.3.204: “To mourn a mischiefthat is past and gone / Is the next way to draw newmischief on.”哀悼已成为过去的不幸,便是招引新的不幸的捷径。 △1H.IV.5.1.21: “broached mischief”,i.e. ca-lamity let loose. 放任自流的灾难。 △2H.IV.4.2.47:“And so success of mischief shall be born,”这样一来,祸乱就要接连不断地产生出来。 △H.V.4.7.185 (176): “Ifthat the soldier strike him,as I judge / By his bluntbearing he will keep his word. / Some sudden mis-chief may arise of it;”如果那个兵打了他——依我看,凭他那种鲁莽态度,他一定会说到做到——马上就会闹出不幸事故。 △1H.VI.2.1.58: “had your watch been good,/ Thissudden mischief never could have fall'n.”如果你们好生守卫,这一场突然的灾祸本来是决不会发生的。 △1H.VI.3.2.38: “Pucelle,that witch,that damned sorceress,/Hath wrought this hellish mischief unawares,”圣女,那个女巫,那个该下地狱的女法师,冷不防地制造出这一场凶恶的灾祸。 △1H.VI.5.4.89: “But darkness and the gloomyshade of death / Environ you,till mischief anddespair / Drive you to break your necks or hang yourselves”! 只有黑暗与死亡的阴影包围着你们,直到灾祸与绝望逼得你们不折断你们的脖子就只有上吊! △2H.VI.5.2.84:“But that my heart's on future mischief set,/ I wouldspeak blasphemy ere bid you fly.”若不是我深深担心未来的灾难,我宁可说一些渎神的话也不肯劝你逃走。 △H.VIII.2.1.21: “with that devil monk,/ Hopkins,that madethis mischief.”还有那个造成这场灾难的魔鬼修士霍普金斯。 2. injury,harm伤害,损害。 △Lr.1.2. 184 (163):“thatwith the mischief of your person it would scarcely allay.”就是伤害了你的性命,怒气怕也不会平息。 △Lr. 3. 7.81: “My lord,you have one eye left / To see somemischief on him.”大人,你还剩下一只眼睛能看见他受点报应。 △1H.VI.3.1.115:“You see what mischief,andwhat murder too,/ Hath been enacted through your enmity.”你们看,由于你们互相敌对,已经造成了多大的损害,还死了多少人。 △2H.VI.4.8.59 (56):“The name of Henry the Fifth hales them to an hundred mischiefs,”亨利五世的名字可以引导他们干出一百种祸事。 3. evil done on purpose,evil deed,evil,crime (故意做的)坏事,罪恶行为,罪恶,罪行。 △Ado.1.3.48 (46):“Willit serve for any model to build mischief on?” 能不能根据它定出一个恶作剧的计划呢? △ Tw.5.1.133 (129):“Come,boy,with me,my thoughts are ripe in mis-chief.”来,孩子,跟我来,我的一条恶计已经成熟了。 △ Rom.5.1.35: “O mischief,thou art swift / To enter in the thoughts of desperate men!” 啊,罪恶的念头,你多么快就进入了绝望的人的心里! △Lr.4.2.53: “that not know’stFools (i.e.only fools) do those villains pity who arepunished / Ere they have done their mischief. ”你不知道只有傻瓜才会怜悯那些还没有作恶就先受惩罚的坏蛋。 △Mac.1.5.51 (50): “nature’s mischief!”i.c. the e-vil in nature.宇宙间的罪行。(按: nature又解作humannature.) △2H.IV.2.1.17(14):“A(= he) cares notwhat mischief he does,if his weapon be out.”只要他把家伙掏出来,干什么坏事他都不在乎。 △ 2H.VI.2.1.185(182): “O God,what mischiefs work the wickedones,”啊,上帝,这些恶人干出了多少罪恶行径。 △H.VIII.1.2.187: “There’s mischief in this man.”这个人的确是存心作乱。 △H.VIII.2.1.66: “Yet let ’em look they glorynot in mischief,/ Nor build their evils on the gravesof great men,” 但是他们也要注意,切不可因为干了坏事而感到得意,也不可在伟大人物的坟墓上建立起他们的罪行。 4. disease 疾病。 △Ado.1.3.13 (12): “a mortifyingmischief”,致命的病。 mischief[ˈmistʃif]n.伤害,恶作剧 ◇ do oneself a mischief肉体上伤害某人 make mischief说出气人的话 mean mischief有意弄坏 ‖ mischief rule缺陷规则 mischief-making n.挑拨离间 mischief-making n.挑拨离间 |