释义 |
miscarryvi. 1. fail to reach the right place,go astray,be carried wrongly,come into wrong hand未能到达适当地方,迷路,带到不该带的地方,落入他人之手。 △H.VIII.3.2.30:“The Cardinal's letters to the Pope miscarried,/ And cameto the eye o' the King.”红衣主教写给教皇的信错投了地方,送到国王的眼前。 2. go wrong,prove unsuccessful,fail,lose the battle出错,不成功,失败,打败仗。 △Rom.5.3.266: “and ifaught in this / Miscarried by my fault.”如果在这场事件中因为我的过失而在任何方面出了错。 △Lr.5.1.44:“If youmiscarry. / Your business of the world hath so an end,”如果你失败了,那么你在这世界上的事业也就告终。
△Oth.5.1.6: “Be near at hand,I may miscarryin't.”你要在我旁边,我也许会失手。 △2H.IV.4.2.46:“If hey miscarry,theirs shall second them,”如果他们失败了,他们仍会有援军来接续他们。 3. come to harm or grief,meet disaster遭到伤害,遭到不幸,遭灾。 △Tw.3.4.70 (62): “I would not have himmiscarry for the half of my dowry.”我宁愿失掉我的一半嫁妆,也不愿看到他有什么意外。 △Lr.5.1.5:“Our sister'sman (i.e.Oswald) is certainly miscarried.”i.e. Os-wald has met with some accident. 我姐姐的那个仆人一定出了事。 △1H.VI.4.3.16: “If he miscarry,farewellwars in France!”如果他遭到不幸,法国的战局也就全完了! △2H.VI.4.8.50 (47):“Better ten thousand base-born Cades miscarry / Than you should stoop unto aFrenchman's mercy.” 让一万个出身下贱的凯德遭殃,总比让你们向一个法国人屈身求饶要好。 4. come to grief at sea,founder(船只)在海上失事,沉落。 △Mer.2.8.29: “there miscarried / A vessel of ourcountry richly fraught.”在那里有一只我们这里满载货物的商船出事了。 △Mer.3.2.316 (315): “my ships have allmiscarried,”我的船全都失事了。 5. (of a child) be born prematurely (小孩子)流产。 △2H.IV.5.4.10 (8):“an the child I go with do mis-carry. thou wert better thou hadst struck thy moth-er.”要是我肚子里的小孩流产了,你还不如去打你的妈。 6. suffer misfortune,come to destruction,perish,die遭难,毁灭,死亡。 △Mer.5.1.249: “I once did lend mybody for his wealth,/ Which but for him that hadyour husband's ring / Had quite miscarried.”我曾为了他的利益把我的身体抵押出去,若非那位要你丈夫戒指的人,我恐怕早就死了。 △2H.IV.4.1.127(125):“and all theirlives / That by indictment and by dint of sword/Have since miscarried under Bolingbroke.”还有许许多多人的性命从此也都在波林布洛克的合法指控和残暴屠刀之下毁灭了。 △H.V.4.1.156 (147): “So,if a son that is byhis father sent about merchandise do sinfully miscarryupon the sea,” i.e. perish at sea not having confessedhis own sins. 这么说,如果一个儿子被他父亲送到外边做生意,却在海上未经忏悔就带着罪恶死掉了。 △R.III.1.3.16:“Butso it must be,if the King miscarry.”万一国王故去,也就只有如此了。 △R.III.5.1.5: “and all that have miscarried / By underhand,corrupted foul injustice.”以及所有遭受暗害、冤屈而死的人们。 |