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单词 返老还童

返老还童fǎn lǎo huán tóng

feel rejuvenated; grow young again; juvenescence; recover one’s youthful vigour; rejuvenate in old age; rejuvenation; re juvenescence; rejuvenate; rejuvenesce; render young again; renew one’s youth; restore youth to the aged
❍ ~容易得,超凡入圣路非遥。(《西游记》229) From age back to youth was an easy boon; |To join the sages was no distant goal.
❍ 要 “~”,要 “老复丁” 么? 子女便是“复丁”,都已独立而且更好了。(鲁迅《坟》110) Do you want to grow young again? Your children will be happy? Even your future life will be happy too.
❍ 取此水以美玉为屑,调和服之,可以~。(《三国演义》916)If mingled with powdered jade and swallowed,it restores youth to the aged.
❍ 人说,喝了泉水吃了茶能~。所以今天我特地把它拿出来款待你们这些贵客。(曲波《林海雪原》97) People say if you make that tea with water from the freshet,the old can become young again and the young will never grow old. That’s why I’ve brewed it especially for you,today.


rejuvenescence;renewing one's youth


regain one’s youthful vigor;feel rejuvenated in one’s old age

返老还童fǎn lǎo huán tónɡ

比喻老年人充满活力,由衰老变得年轻。feel rejuvenated, recover one’s youthful vigour, become young again





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:27:09