释义 |
攻城略地gōng chéng lüè dìattack cities and seize territories; engage in attacks upon cities or seizures of territory ❍ 然陛下使人~,所降下者因以予之,与天下同利也。(《史记·高祖本纪》381) But when you send someone to attack a city or seize a region,you award him the spoils of the victory,sharing your gains with the whole world. ❍ 白起为秦将,南征鄢郢,北阬马服,~,不可胜计,而竟赐死。(《史记·项羽本纪》308)Bai Qi was once general of Qin. In the south he conquered Yan and Ying; in the north he annihilated Mafu’s army.Countless were the cities he attacked and the lands he seized,but at last he was condemned to death. ❍ 臣等身披坚执锐,多者百余战,少者数十合,~,大小各有差。(《史记·肖相国世家》2015) We have all buckled on armour and taken up our weapons,some of us fighting twenty or thirty. Each,to a greater or lesser degree,has engaged in attacks upon cities or seizures of territory. 攻城略地taking cities and seizing territory 攻城略地ɡōnɡ chénɡ lüè dì城:城池;略:夺占、夺取。攻占城池,夺取地盘。take cities and seize territory, attack cities and seize territories |