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单词 攻守同盟

攻守同盟gōng shǒu tóng méng

an agreement between partners in crime not to give each other away; alliance for offense and defense; a pact to shield each other; a military alliance for mutual defense/……而且把我写自传前跟他订“~”的事情也写上了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》465)…and told how I made an agreement with him about sticking to the old story before I wrote my autobiography.
❍ 在公债上拉竹斋做个“~”,那就势力更加雄厚,再不怕老赵逃到那里去。(茅盾《子夜》528) If only he could draw Du Zhuzhai into an alliance with him on the Exchange,he would then in a really strong position and Zhao Botao wouldn’t stand a chance!

攻守同盟gong shou tong meng

❶offensive and defensive alliance
❷pact to shield each other


❶offensive and defensive alliance;military alliance
❷ agreement between partners in crime not to give each other away;pact to shield each other off
订立~ reach an understanding not to give each other away;promise not to betray each other

攻守同盟ɡōnɡ shǒu tónɡ ménɡ

在进攻和防守中,按照缔结的盟约而采取一致的行动。a pact to shield each other, an agreement between, partners in crime not to give each other way





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