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单词 身经百战

身经百战shēn jīng bǎi zhàn

battle-scarred; battle-seasoned; battle-tested; be a veteran of many battles;go through many battles; have fought (in) a hundred battles; have stood the test of many battles
❍ 他,吴荪甫,以及他的同志孙吉人他们,都是企业界~的宿将,难道就怕了什么? (茅盾《子夜》308) …but he and his partners were battle-scarred veterans. So what had he to fear?/左光先所率领的是甘肃、宁夏骑兵,人强马壮,而他本人也是~的总兵官,…… (姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—179) Zuo’s horsemen from Gansu and Ningxia were good fighters,and Zuo himself was an experienced general.
❍ 他总不能相信,他这~的人和他的战士,经历了很多英雄行动以后,就能牺牲在这村子里,…… (杜鹏程《保卫延安》)323) He had fought in a hundred battles and couldn’t believe that he and his men would die in this village in spite of their heroic defence.
❍ 人们告诉得欣,这个大个子叔叔,从十几岁就参加了革命队伍……~,十三次立功,……(石文驹《战地红缨》183) From the others,Hardy learned his life history: Guo had joined the revolutionary army as a teenager,…He had fought in hundreds of engagements and been cited thirteen times.
❍ 即使展开的那个伟大的、将使举世瞩目的战略反攻,使他这个~的老战士也感到异常兴奋。(杨佩瑾《剑》50) The great strategic counter-offensive,which would shake the world,filled the seasoned veteran with immense excitement.


have fought a hundred battles;be battle-hardened
~的老战士veteran who has fought countless battles; battle-tested veteran; seasoned fighter

身经百战shēn jīnɡ bǎi zhàn

指亲身参加了数次作战。have fought a hundred battles, have fought countless battles





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