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单词 current


1. stream, of life 流,(转义)生命之流。
△Oth.4.2.58(59): “The fountain from the whichmy current runs / Or else dries up -”,我的生命之流从这里流出,离开它,活力就要枯竭。
2. course进程。
△Ham.3.1.87 (86): “With this re-gard their currents turn awry,”在这一种考虑之下,就在进行中出了别扭。
3. course of events世事进程。
△Ham.3.3.57:“In thecorrupted currents of this world.”在人世上腐败的潮流里。
4. ebb and flow,vicissitude; event,occurrence消长,变化;事件,发生的事物。
△1H.IV.2.3.60 (55): “And allthe currents of a heady fight;”一场激战中的种种进展(又译:事件)。
5. tendency,drift,unimpeded course or progress意向,趋势,不间断的进行。
△Mer.4.1.63:“This is no answer,thou unfeeling man,/ To excuse the current of thycruelty.”你这个无情的人,这种回答并不能为你那残酷的意图找到借口。


1. as valid currency,in circulation作为具有合法效力的通货,在流通的。
△1H.IV.4.1.4:“As not a soldier of thisseason’s stamp / Should go so general current throughthe world.”(Here is used the figure of a newly min-ted coin being put into general circulation.)这个时代所铸造出来的军人当中没有哪一个像你的声誉一样在世上到处流通。
2.(of coinage or fig.) accepted as genuine,generallyreceived(指钱币)作为非伪造而被接受的,被普遍接受的。
△R.III.1.3.256 (255):“Your fire-new stamp of hon-our is scarce current.”你那新铸造出来的光荣印记还没有怎么被大家接受呢。
3. in circulation,acceptable流行的,可被接受的。
△H.VIII.1.3.47:“Held current music too.”还被看做是流行音乐。
4.(term from coinage) acceptable,genuine(铸币用语)可被接受的,真正的。
△R.III.1.2.83:“Fouler than heartcan think thee,thou canst make / No excuse currentbut to hang thyself.”人心所无法想像的丑八怪,你除非自己上吊,拿不出任何值得接受的辩解理由。
5. with full value,sterling,genuine,authentic有充分价值的,纯正的,真正的,可靠的。
△2H.IV.2.1.135(120): “The one you may do with sterling money,and theother with current repentance.”还清欠债,你可以用十足的大洋;补偿罪恶,你可以用真正的忏悔。Phrases & Expressions:come current: be accepted at face value,be regardedas valid按照表面价值接受下来,当成真实可靠的。
△1H.IV1.3.67: “And I beseech you,let not his report /Come current for an accusation / Betwixt my love andyour high Majesty.”我请求你,不要让他的报告成为真正的对我的指控,离间我对于陛下的忠诚。
current gold: genuine gold coin真正的金币。
△R.III.42.8:“Ah,Buckingham,now do I play the touch / Totry if thou be current gold indeed.”啊,白金汉,现在我要扮演试金石的角色,测试一下你是不是真正的金币。
go current: pass at face value (like legal currency),be accepted as genuine(像合法货币那样)按票面价值流通,当做真的被接受。
△R.III.2.1.95:“And yet go currentfrom suspicion.”而且畅通无阻、不受嫌疑。
hold current: prove to be true,be still true证明为真实的,仍然是真实的。
△1H.IV.2.1.58(53):“It holds cur-rent that(=what) I told you yesternight.”我昨晚告诉你的话仍然是不错的。


◇ against the current逆流
‖ current account经常账,往来账,经常账户,经常项目,活期存款账户
current account balance of payments国际收支经常账户
current account balance sheet流动资产负债表
current account credit往来账信贷
current account deficit经常项目赤字
current account deposits 活期账户存款
current-account holder支票账户
current account ledger活期存款总账
current account surplus经常项目顺差
current affairs时事,新闻
current affairs broadcast时事广播
current affairs of Japanese时事日语
current affairs studio时事播音室
current appropriation本期拨款
current arbitrage通货套汇
current assets流动资产
current assets losses in suspense待处理流动资产损失
current assets management流动资产管理
current assets to liabilities流动资产与流动负债之比
current audit当日审计
current authority当年预算授权
current balance经常项目差额
current budget本期预算
current business year本营业年度
current business year本营业年度
current capital流动资本
current coin通货
current coin and currency现行硬币和钞票
current concept流行的概念
current cost市价,流动成本,日常开支
current cost accounting 时价会计
current cost of funds 资金的现时成本
current coupon当期息票
current debt流动债务
current debt ratio流动负债比率
current debts 短期债务
current deposit 活期存款
current deposit account 活期存款账户
current document 近期文献
current dollars 现值美元
current domestic value 现行国内价格
current English现代英语
current events instruction 时事教学
current events tracing时事追踪
current expenditure经常支出
current expenses经常费用
current fiscal year 本财政年度
current funds流动资金
current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率
current fund loan流动资金借款
current fund turnover days 流动资金周转天数
current income本期收入,经常收入
current information现行情报,最新消息
current intangibles无形流动资产
current intelligence 动态情报
current interest活期利息
current investment 本期投资
Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学理论专题
current issue现期杂志
current items 经常项目
current law 现行法律
current liabilities 短期负债,流动负债
current liabilities to net worth流动负债比净资产
current life table现时生命表
current liquidation value变现价值
current loans 经常性贷款
current maintenance 日常维护,小修
current market price 现时市价
current market value 现行市价
current maturity of long term debt 本年内到期的长期负债current monetary assets 流动性金融资产
current money通货
current money delivery定期交易
current month delivery当月交货
current of thought 思想潮流
current operating concept of net income即期经营净利概念
current papers本期票据
current passbook 往来存折
current payments经常开支
current payment plan 经常性开支计划
current period 本期
current population statistics 现时人口统计
current position本期财务状况
current prepayments 往来预付款
current price 时价
current price on market市场价
current price table 时价表
current production流水作业
current purchasing power statement 按现时购买力编制的财务报表
current rate现时率
current rate of exchange当日汇率
current ratio 流动比率
current regulations现行规章
current research 最新研究
current return本期收益率
current revenue当期收入
current rule现行规则
current ruling price币价
current savings account活期储蓄账户
current service of loan缴纳借款利息
current situation现状
current specifications现行规范
current standard货币标准
current students在校生
current subsidies经常补助金
current surplus本期盈余
current tangible assets有形流动资产
current tax本期税额
current term net loss本期净损失
current term net profit本期净利润
current term net profit or loss本期净损益
current term of office现届任期
current trend of jurisprudence当代法学动向
current value时价
current value accounting现值会计法
current version现有型号
current world champion本届世界冠军
current year本年度
current yield当年收益,日产量
the current session of the U. N. General Assembly本届联大
currents issues in biology生物学专题
currents issues in biotechnology生物技术专题
currently adv. 广泛地,目前,现在
currently in office现任
currently price时价
currentness n. 无流的





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