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单词 lock
释义 lock3 /lok; lak/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B] fasten a door, box, etc with a lock. 锁 (门,箱等) 。 ~ the stable door after the horse has bolted/has been stolen, take precautions when it is too late. 亡羊补牢; 贼去关门。 ~ sth away, put it away in a ~ed box, drawer, etc; (fig) keep securely: 将某物锁藏起来; (喻) 安全地保存: have a secret safely ~ed (away) in one's breast. 将一秘密隠藏在心底。 ~ sb in, put sb in a room of which the door is ~ed on the outside. 将某人锁在房内。 ~ oneself in, ~ the door so that no one can enter f rom outside, or so that one cannot open rt again. 将自己锁在房内。 ~ sb out, keep him outside, prevent him from entering, by ~ing the gate or door(s) on the inside: 将某人锁在房外: If you don't get back before midnight, you'll be ~ed out. 如果你在半夜以前还不回来,你将被锁在房外。'out n refusal of employers to allow workmen to enter their place of work until certain conditions are agreed to or demands given up. 闭厂; 停业 (雇主与工人间之条件未获协议前抵制工人的行动) 。 0 strike'. ~ sth/ sb up. a make safe by placing in sth that ~s: 遍安蔷; 锁好: L~ up your jewellery before you go away. 在你离开前把你的珠宝好好锁藏起来。 b shut up a house, etc by ~ing all the doors. 关锁房门。 c put (a person) in a ~ed room, a prison, a mental home, etc. 将 (某人) 锁在房间、监狱、疯人院等内。 d invest (money) in such a way that it cannot easily or quickly be exchanged for cash: 使 (资本) 固 All his capital is ~ed up in land. 他所有的资金都投资在土地上。 '~-up n place where prisoners may be kept temporarily; (col-loq) any prison. 拘留所; (俗) 监狱。 adj (attrib only) that can be ~ed: (仅作形容用法) 可以锁的: a ~-up garage, one, eg at a hotel, that can be ~ed. 可上锁的汽车间 (例如旅馆中者) 。 2 [VP2A] have a ~; become ~ed; be capable of being ~ed: 有锁; 锁住; 能被锁上: This trunk doesn't ~, has no lock or has a lock that does not work. 这箱子没有锁 (或有锁而锁不住) 。 The door easily. 那门容易锁。 3 [VP6A, 2A, C] (cause to) become fixed, unable to move: 使固定; 曲定:用 s jaws were tightly ~ed. 他的牙关紧闭。 He ~ed the wheels of the car to prevent its being stolen. 他固定住汽车南轮胎以防被有。 They were ~ed together in a fierce struggle. 他们揪扭在一起显烈地格斗。 TTtey were ~ed in each other's arms. 他们紧紧拥抱着。 The parts ~ into each other, interlock. 各部分互钳薯。 4 [VP2C] ~ on to, (of a missile, etc) find and automatically follow (a target) by radar. (指飞弹等) 用雷达自动追踪 (目标); 锁定 (目标) 。




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