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单词 evil
释义 evil /'i:vl; 'ivl/ adj 1 wicked, sinful, bad, harmful: 邪恶的; 罪恶而; 不良的; 有害的: ~ men/thoughts; 恶人(邪念); live an ~ life:过着罪恶的生活; Me 'E~ One, the Devil. 魔鬼;应魔, ~ 'minded adj having ~ thoughts and desires. 看邪恶之念头及愿望的; 恶毒的; 心毒的。 2 likely to cause trouble; bringing trouble or misfortune: 易引起麻烦的; 不吉的; 不幸的: in an ~ hour; 在不幸的时刻; 不吉利; fall on ~ days; 遭逢厄运; an ~ slanderous) tongue. 诽谤的嘴; 恶毒的舌头。 ~ eye, malicious look; supposed power to cause harm by a look or glance. 恶毒的眼光; 凶狠的眼光; 据说一瞥即可造成伤害的力量。 1 [U] sin; wrong-doing: 罪恶; 邪恶; 犯罪: return good for ~; 以德报怨; the spirit of ~. 戾气; 恶魔。 '~doer n person who does 作恶的人; 犯罪者。 2 [C] ~ thing; disaster: 恶事; 不幸; 灾祸: War, famine and flood are terrible ~s. 战争,饥荒和水灾是可怕的灾祸。 be/choose the lesser of two ~s, the less harmful of two bad choices. 两害相权,择其小者。 ~ 坪 /'i: vali; 'ivli/ adv in an ~ manner: 邪恶地; 罪恶地; 有害地: He eyed her ~ly. 他凶狠地瞪着她。




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