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单词 every
释义 every /'evn; 'evri/ adj (used attrib with sing [C] nouns; cf the use of all with pl nouns and [U] nouns) (为形容用法,与单数可数名词连用; 参较 all 与复数名词以及与不可数名词的用法) 1 (Cf every and each. When every is used, attention is directed to units comprising a whole; when emphasis being on the unit, not on the total or 而非整体): He enjoyed ~ minute of his holiday. 他享受他的假日的有一分钟。 Such things do not happen ~ day. 这种事情并非每天发生。 He spends ~ penny he earns. 他赚来的每一分钱都花掉了。 3 (used with abstract nouns) all possible; complete: (与抽象名词连用)所有可能的; 完全的: You have ~ reason to be satisfied. 你有充分的理由应该满意。 I have ~ reason/There is ~ reason to believe that... 我有充分的理由相信…。 There is ~ prospect of success. 有百分之百成功的希望。 4 (used with cardinal and ordinal numbers, and with other each is used, attention is directed simply to the unit) all or each one of a whole: (参较 every 和 each 。用 every 时,观念着重于全体; 用 each 时则着重于个别)所有的; 每一: E~ boy in the class (= All the boys, The whole class) passed the examination. 班上所有的男生都考试及格了。(Cf 参较 Each boy may have three tries. 每个男孩可以试三次。) I have read ~ book (→ all the books) on that shelf. 我读遍了那书架上所有的书。 Not ~ horse (= Not all horses) can run fast. 并非所有的马都跑得快。 2 (not replaceable by all and the plural noun) each one of an indefinite number (the whole): (不可被 all 和复数名词代替) 每 (着重于单位 and few, to indicate recurrence, or intervals in time or space): (与基数, 序数,other 和 few 连用,表示重现或时间空间的间隔): Write on ~ other line, on alternate lines. 隔行写。 There are buses to the station ~ ten minutes. 每隔十分钟有公共汽车至车站。 I go there ~ other day/ ~ three days/ ~ third day/ ~ few days, etc. 我每隔一日(每三日,每逢第三日,每隔数日等)到那里去一次。 He was stopped ~ dozen yards by friends who wanted to congratulate him. 他每走十几码便被欲向他祝贺的朋友们拦住。 ~ now and then/again, from time to time. 有时; 间或; 时常。 5 (used with, and placed after, possessives; replaceable by all +pl): (用于所有格形容词后,此种用法可由 all + 复数名词代替): His ~ movement was watched, All his movements.... 他的每一动作都受到注视。 He tries to meet her ~ wish, all her wishes. 他试图满足她所有的愿望。 6 (in phrases) (用于片语中) ~ bit, quite: 完全: This is ~ bit as good as that. 这个和那个完全一样好。 ~ time, a always: 总是: → “r football team wins ~ time. 我们的足球队总是得胜。 b whenever: 无论何时; 每当: £ ~ time 1 meet him, he tries to borrow money from me. 每当我遇到他,他便向我借钱。 ~ 'one of them/us/you. (placed at the end) without exception: (g 于句后)统统; 无例外 You deserve to be hanged, ~ one of you. 你们该受绞刑,统统都该。 ~ way, in all respects: 在各方面: This is in ~ way better than that. 这个在各方面都比那个好。 ~ body /'evnbodi; 'cvnzbadi/, ~ one /'evnwAn ; 屹 vri/WAn/ pron ~ person: G个人; 人入: In a small village ~。 ne knows ~。 else. 在一个小村子里人人皆相识。 ~ day /'evndei; 'evn'de/ adj (attrib only) happening or used daily; common and familiar: (棱作形容用法)每天发生的; 每日所用的; 日常的: an ~ day occurrence; 日常之事; 访 his ~ day clothes. 他穿着便服。 '~place (US colloq) ~ where. (美俗 j 各处; 到处。 ~thing /'evnOiij; 'evri,6n)/ pron a all things: 一切事物; 每样, 物: This shop sells ~ thing needed for camp- ing. 这商店出售一切露营用具。 Tell me ~ thing about it. 吿诉我这件事情的始末。 b (pred) thing of the greatest importance: (敍述用法)最重要的事物: Money is ~ thing to him. 金钱对于他比什么都重要。 She's beautiful, J agree, but beauty is not ~ thing. 我同意她是美丽的,但美并非最重要者。 ~where /'evnwea(r) US: -hwear; 'cvn,hw€r/ adv in, at, to, ~ place: 各处; 到处: I've looked ~ where for it. 我曾勤处寻找它。 E~ where seemed to be quiet. 各处似乎都很安爷。




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