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单词 lease
释义 lease /li: s; lis/ n [C] contract by which the owner of land or a building (the lessor) agrees to let another (the lessee) have the use of it for a certain time for a fixed money payment (called rent); the rights given under such a contract: (土地或房屋之)租约(出租人称作 lessor, 承租人称作 lessee, 租金称作 rent); 租借权: take a farm on a ~ of several years. 以舍宇年为期租一农田。 When does the ~ expire? 租约何时期满? by/on ~:以租借的方式: 昨 took the land on ~. 我们租用那块地。 give sb/get a new ~ of life, a better chance of living longer, or of being happier, more active. (使某人)得以长寿或过更快乐和更有活力的生活。 vt [VP6A] give, take possession of (land, etc), by ~. 租出,租得,租借(土地等)。 'lend n [U] arrangement (1941) by which the President of the US could supply war materials to countries whose defence he considered important. 租借法案(1941 年美国所定,授权美国总统可以战争物质援助在防卫上认为重要的同盟国家)。 ~hold n, adj (land) (to be) held for a term of years on ~. 租借地; 租借的。 中 freehold at free1 (3). '—holder n person who holds a ~; lessee. 租借人; 承租人:租赁人。




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