口惠而实不至kǒu huì ér shí bù zhìbe generous with promises never fulfilled; make a promise and not keep it; more praise than pudding; pay lip service ❍ 田主是~,胥吏便乘机捞取油水; ……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》324) The landowners were generous with their promises but these were never fulfilled,while the local officials seized every opportunity of making what they could on the side; …/在已逐渐觉悟的民众不是能够以革命帽子戴了去盲目的冲动,在已有组织的民众,我们更不能用什么~的假面具去蒙骗他,……(《周恩来选集》上—5)A gradually awakening people cannot be pushed to act blindly in the name of revolution;still less can we be so hypocritical as to cheat an organized people with unrealistic promises. 口惠而实不至kǒu huì ér shí bù zhì惠:恩惠。只在口头上答应给他人好处,但实际上却不兑现。make a promise and not keep it, more praise than pudding, pay lip service |