释义 |
说法❶expound Buddhist doctrine ❷way of saying a thing;wording;formulation ❸solution or settlement (agreeable to both parties of a dispute,etc);(justifiable) explanation;(equitable)judgment 我不同意你的~。I don’t agree with your statement./电影《秋菊打官司》的女主角一心要讨个~。In the film The Story of Qiujue,the heroine is bent on demanding an explanation./关于那件事,各人~不同。Different people have different versions of the incident./这种~是强词夺理。This is an arbitrary argument./这种~听起来似乎有理。This argument sounds plausible./照他的~去做。Do as he says./换一种~put it in another way/讨个~demand an explanation;ask for an equitable judgment |