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单词 tailor
tailor/teɪlǝ(r)/ nvt [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(尤男装)裁缝(person who makes overcoatssuitetc usu for men only)[C]:have one's clothes made by a London~让一个伦敦的裁缝做衣服;He has a good~. 他有一个好裁缝。〖同〗dressmaker,costumer;

(2)裁缝店(tailor's shop)[C]:There's a~in the High Street. 在高街有一家裁缝店。go to the~到裁缝店做衣服;〖同〗tailor's;

vt(1)缝(裁)制衣服(make (a coattrousersetc)by measuringcutting and sewing cloth)[T+n,尤pass]:have one's suit~ed in London/Paris 在伦敦/巴黎做衣服;Her clothing is~ed by a famous couturier. 她的衣服是由一位著名的女时装裁缝裁制的。~ed suits/curtains 合身的套服/合适的窗帘;a well-~ed/nicely-~ed coat 一件剪裁很合身的/很考究的外衣;〖同〗make;

(2)适合(应)……的需要(make sth fit the circumstances;to adapt)[T+n+prep(to/for),尤pass]:The play was~ed for a special audience. 这部戏适合某些特殊的观众。The program (school system) was~ed to the needs of young children/people. 这个节目(这种学校体制)适合孩子们的/年轻人的需要。speech~ed to a special audience 适合特殊观众的演讲;homes~ed to the needs of the elderly 适合老年人需要的活动中心;~one's way of living/one's spending to one's income 使自己的生活方式/自己的消费与收入相符;~the holidays to everyone's special wishes 使假期符合每个人的特殊愿望;~the insurance to meet sb's special needs/the house to suit the owner's needs 使保险方案符合某人的特别要求/使房子符合房主人的要求;〖同〗adapt;

→͵tailor-′made adj 裁缝缝制的;适合的





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