蔽bìⅠ ❶ (遮盖;挡住) cover;block;hide;shelter;spread over:衣不 ~ 体 be dressed in rags;have nothing but rags on one's back; 浮云 ~ 日。 Floating clouds cover the sun. ❷ [书] (庇护) shelter;shield;put under one's protection;take under one's wing ❸ [书] (掩 饰) cover up (faults,mistakes,etc.); gloss over;conceal ❹ [书] (隐覆;埋没) neglect;stifle ❺ [书] (蒙蔽) hoodwink;deceive;hide the truth from ❻ [书] (隐蔽,躲藏) conceal;take cover;go into hiding ❼ [书] (涵盖;概括) contain;summarize Ⅱ ❶ [书] (弊端) malpractice;abuse;corrupt practice ❷ [书] (病患) disease;illness;sickness ❸ [书] (屏障;障碍) protective screen;obstacle;barrier ❹(姓氏) a surname:~ 伯 Bi Bo ◆蔽风避雨 shelter from the wind and rain; 蔽上蒙下 deceive superiors and hoodwink subordinates; 蔽障 keep in obscurity;obstacle to faith or clear vision
蔽fù [书] (丧车两旁的帘子) the curtain on both sides of hearse [dead wagon,meat wagon] 另见 see also bì。 |