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单词 风流云散

风流云散fēng liú yún sàn

be blown apart by the wind and scattered like the clouds-[of old com panions] be separated and scattered; disperse and evaporate into thin air; drift with the wind and scatter like clouds; go with the wind; scatter like clouds before the wind
❍ 由是一而二,二而三,追思起来,想到《庄子》上的话儿,虚无缥缈,人生在世,难免~! (《红楼梦》475) His thoughts wandering,he recalled Zhuang Zi’s saying about the illusory nature of life and felt that men were born to drift with the wind and scatter like clouds.
❍ 自从虞博士去了,这些贤人君子,~。(《儒林外史》558) But since Dr Yu went away,these worthies have scattered like clouds before the wind.

风流云散fēnɡ liú yún sàn

比喻原常相聚的人现在都飘零离散。separated and scattered, be dispersed and evaporated into thin air, go with the wind





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