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单词 花枝招展

花枝招展huā zhī zhāo zhǎn

[of women] be gorgeously dressed; in colourful costumes
❍ 袭人等捧过茶来,才吃了一口,平儿也打扮的~的来了。(《红楼梦》790) Xiren and some other maids handed round tea,and barely had they sipped it when Pinger approa ched,freshly made up and as pretty as a flower.
❍ 到了明日,他的那位夫人,打扮得~的来了。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》21) Next day the official’s wife,all dolled up,went to the viceroy’s residence.
❍ 第一次领过薪金后,没几天,庶务科里,一个~的女同事,突然变得每天准时上班了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》36) A few days after his first pay-day,one of these glamour girls began to come to work punctually and regularly.
❍ 宫女们打扮得~,擎着作简单仪仗用的羽扇、团扇和黄罗伞,捧着食盒,簇拥着皇后的凤辇来到乾清宫。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—832) Her maids in colourful costumes carried feather fans,round silk fans,yellow umbrellas and hampers to accompany the empress in her sedanchair to the emperor’s palace.

花枝招展hua zhi zhao zhan

(of women) be gorgeously dressed

花枝招展huā zhī zhāo zhǎn

招展:迎风飘扬的样子。比喻景致妩媚动人,也比喻女子打扮得非常妖艳。be gorgeously dressed, in colourful costumes, be seductively dressed, like a bed of beautiful flowers





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