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单词 各色各样

各色各样各式各样;各种各样gè sè gè yàng

of all kinds and colours; all kinds (/sorts) of;a variety of;in every shape and form; of every description; mixed; various
❍ 公共汽车,电车和~的车辆从四面八方开来,又向四面八方开去。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—26) Buses,trams and vehicles of all kinds and colours sped swiftly along in every direction.
❍ 学生的性情原是~的; 有的倔强,有的畏怯,有的死也不肯开口,有的拼命抵赖自己的过失。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》111)The boys were a very mixed lot so far as temperament was concerned; some were stubborn,some were timid,some would die rather than open their mouths,others would brazen it out and deny that they were guilty.
❍ 说起大众来,界限宽泛得很,其中包括着各式各样的人,……(鲁迅《且介亭杂文·门外文谈》85)The term“masses”has a wide connotation,including all sorts and conditions of men,…/我们现在就需要有各种各样能敲碎敌人骨头的武器。 (吴运铎《把一切献给党》109)And to do that we needed weapons,weapons of all sorts,weapons that could pulverize them.





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