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单词 start
start/stɑ:t, AmE stɑ:rt/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

v (1)开始,着手(begin)[I+to-infT+nT+-ing]:It~ed to snow/rain. 开始下雪/雨了。He~s to earn his own living this very afternoon. 就从今天下午开始他要自食其力了。~work/one's career 开始工作/自己的职业;~a meeting/a new job 开会/开展一项新工作;~counting/singing 开始计算/唱歌;It~ed raining. 开始下雨。〖同〗begin;〖反〗end,finish,stop,cease,terminate;
 (2)起程,出发,动身(begin a journey;set off)[II+adv (out/off)]:~at 5:30 a.m. in order to get to the boat in time 早上5点半出发以便及时登船;~for Vermont early 早点起程去佛蒙特;have to~(out/off) early 不得不早动身;〖同〗leave,depart,set off;
 (3)(引擎,机器等)发(起)动((cause an enginea machineetc to) begin operation or running)[IT+n]:The battery was dead and the car wouldn't~. 电瓶没电了,汽车起动不起来。The clock keeps stopping and~ing. 这座钟停停走走。He can't~the bus. 他无法把这辆车发动起来。The clock stopped but I~ed it again. 钟停了,但我又让它走了起来。~the engine by using a crank 用曲柄发动引擎;〖反〗turn off;
 (4)(使)开始干((cause to) begin doing a job or a piece of work) [I+prep (on), T+nT+n+prep (on)]:~on a job/a second cake/the next book 开始工作/吃一块蛋糕/写另一本书;This is not good weather for~ing (on) a journey. 这不是出门旅行的好天气。We've three rooms to decorate altogether. I think we'd better~on the dining-room. 我们一共有三个房间要装饰,我认为我们最好从餐厅开始干起。
 (5)引发(起),开办(设,创)(bring sth into existence;establish or originate)[T+nT+n+prepC+n+-ing]:~a shop/a college magazine/a discussion/a fire办一个店/创办一份大学杂志/引发一次讨论/点火;~sb in business 帮助某人立业;try to~up a swimming club 试图建立一个游泳俱乐部;~sb thinking/playing football/learning Latin 让某人思考/踢足球/学拉丁文;~a clock going 让钟走起来;〖同〗found,establish,launch,begin,create;〖反〗end,finish,stop,cease;
 (6)惊起(跳),猛然一惊(made a quick uncontrolled movementesp from sudden surprisefearpain)[II+adv (up)](fml):He must have been dozing,because he~ed when I spoke. 他刚才一定是打瞌睡,因为我讲话时他惊了一下。The touch on her back made her~. 碰一下她的背就使她吓了一跳。~to one's feet at the noise/the sight of sth 听到噪音/看到那景象吓得跳了起来;The birds~ed up from the trees at the noise.嘈杂声惊动了树上的鸟。The man~ed up from his seat at the noise. 嘈杂声使那人从座位上跳起来。〖同〗jump,shy;
 (7)突然出(涌)现等(appear or rise suddenly)[I+prep](fml):Tears~ed from her eyes. 热泪从眼中流出。Blood~ed from the wound. 鲜血从伤口流出。Tears~ed to Jennie's eyes. 珍妮热泪盈眶。Her eyes almost~ed out of her head in terror.她因恐怖瞪大了双眼。eyes seeming to~from their sockets 双眼瞪得似乎要从眼眶中挤出来;
 start a family(夫妇)生育第一个小孩:They are hoping to~a family soon. 他们希望很快就会有个小孩。
 start from scratch 从头开始,白手起家:The company lost all its plants through enemy bombing,so that in 1945 they~ed absolutely from scratch. 由于敌人轰炸,公司失掉了所有工厂,所以他们在1945年白手起家又从头干起。
 start off on the right/wrong foot (with sb)从开始就和某人处好(不好)关系(infml):It's a good idea to try to~off on the right foot with everybody. 从一开始就和每个人搞好关系实为明智之举。
 start sth (infml)开始争斗(论),惹麻烦:He's really~ed something now. 他现在已经真地惹了麻烦。
 to start with (v prep) 1)第一,首先(vi):You have no right to stay here,to~with.首先你无权住在这儿。2)起初,开始(vi):He was an engineer to~with,then a manager.他一开始担任工程师,后来升任经理。
 start back (v adv) 1)开始返回(vi):I think we should~back fairly soon if we want to get home before dark. 我认为如果我们想天黑前到家,我们应该马上动身往回走。2)惊退(回):She~ed back in horror when she saw the corpse. 她一见到尸体就吓得猛地向后退缩。
 start for (v prep)启程前往……(vt):When do you~for London? 你什么时候启程去伦敦?
 start in on sb (for sth)(v adv prep)责骂,攻击,训斥(vt)(infml):Don't~in on me,it's not my fault. 别责怪我,那不是我的错。
 start in (on sth/to do sth)(v adv)开始做某事(vi): It's about time we~ed in to talk/on talking/on a talk about it.是我们开始谈此事的时候了。
 start off (v adv)开始(动)(vi):The boys~ed off across the field. 那些男孩们动身穿过田野。
 start off (on)(v adv)(使)开始干(vi & vt):They~ed off on their journey at dawn. 黎明时他们踏上了旅途。I can~them off on another foreign language soon. 我很快就可以让他们开始学第二门外语了。
 start out (on sth/to do sth)(v adv prep)1)启程(vt):The children were always excited to~out on a camping trip. 启程去露营孩子们总是非常兴奋。2)开始时打算做(vi):I~ed out to make the dress by myself,but in the end I had to ask for help. 我开始时打算自己做衣服的,但最终还是得请别人帮忙完成。
 start up (v adv)使开始(启动)(vt & vi):How do you~up this motorcycle? 你如何发动这辆摩托车的? The engine~ed up suddenly. 发动机突然运转起来。
 start up (in sth)(v adv)开始一生涯(工作)(vi):How much would it cost to~up in the insurance business? 开办保险业务要花多少钱?
 →′starting-block n 起跑器;′starting-gate n(赛马、狗等的)起跑门;′starting-point n 起点;′starting-post n 起跑柱(点);′starting-price n 临赛赌赔率;
 n(1)开始(端),起程,动身(beginning of an actionan activitya journeya schemea raceetc)[C]:a good/lucky~良好/幸运的开端;as the~of the hike 作为徒步旅行的出发点;at the~of the race 在赛跑开始时;line up at the~在起跑线上排好;the~of a film 电影的开始;from~to finish 自始至终;get ready for the~准备开始;make a~on that work/the cooking/a journey 开始那项工作/做饭/旅行;win from the~从一开始就获胜;〖同〗beginning,opening,birth,creation,dawn;〖反〗end,finish;
 (2)开始的机会(照应,帮助) (chance opportunityaidor encouragement given to a person starting on a course or career)[C]:give sb a fresh~给某人一个重新开始的机会;The bride's parents gave the couple a~by buying them a house. 新娘的父母给这对新人买了一幢房子让他们成家。〖同〗opening chance,introduction,opportunity,support,aid;
 (3)领先(有利)地位,起始优势((in a raceetc) advantage of beginning before or further forward than othersor the amount of timedistanceetc gained through this)[Ua~]:give sb much~给某人许多起始优势;get a good~in business/life 在商业上得天独厚/生活上优越;get a~of five metres/five seconds in the race 领先五米/五秒起跑;All that money gives him a~over his rivals. 那笔钱使他比对手占了优势。〖同〗lead,advantage,advance,priority;〖反〗disadvantage,handicap;
 (4)惊起(跳)(quick uncontrolled movementesp of sudden surprisefearpainetc)[C,通常sing]:give sb quite a~使某人大吃一惊;wake up (from the bad dream) with a~(恶梦中)惊醒;On seeing the snake,the girl sprang up with a~. 一看见蛇,那女孩就惊跳起来。〖同〗jump,turn;
 for a start 首先:You can't have a new bicycle because for a~we can't afford one. 你不能拥有一辆新自行车,首先是因为我们买不起。
 get off to a good/bad start 一开始很好(糟):The chairman got the meeting off to a good~. 主席使会议从一开始就进行得很顺利。
 【辨异】start begincommence的区别见BEGIN。





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