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单词 自由

《自由》zi you

Freedom→叶君健(Ye Junjian)






中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的~ Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech,of the press,of assembly,of association,of procession and of demonstration./人人生而~,在尊严和权利上一律平等。All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights./人人有权享有生命、~和人身安全。Everyone has the right to life,liberty and security of person./谁若不是自己的主人,谁便不~。No man is free who is not master of himself./~必须受到法律的限制,最有价值的~只能存在于法律范围之内。Liberty must be limited by law,and its most valuable forms can only exist within a framework of law./在所有人都~之前,谁也不可能完全~。No one can be perfectly free till all are free./在人民内部,民主是对集中而言,~是对纪律而言。Within the ranks of the people,democracy is correlative with centralism and freedom with discipline./决不能让资产阶级思想~泛滥。Bourgeois ideas must not be allowed to spread unchecked./下面不得~行动。Organizations at lower levels must in no case act as they please./学术~ academic freedom/罢工~freedom to strike/出版~ freedom of the press;liberty of the press/飞越~freedom of overflight/个人~personal liberty;individual freedom/公海~ freedom of the high seas;freedom of the open sea/公民~权civil liberties/海洋~freedom of the sea/航空过境~freedom of air transit/航空~ freedom of aerial navigation/公众了解情况的~freedom of information/教育的~freedom of instruction/以遗嘱分配其遗产的~freedom of testation/礼拜~freedom of worship/宗教~free exercise of religion /市场力量~发挥作用free working of market forces/航行~freedom of navigation/交通~ freedom of communication/集会~freedom of assembly/结社~ freedom of association/空中~freedom of the air/信仰~liberty of conscience/旅行~freedom of travel/贸易~freedom of trade/迁徙~freedom of movement(中英关于香港问题联合声明);freedom of change of domicile/通过~freedom of passage/通商~freedom of commerce/通信~ freedom of correspondence/无害通过~ freedom of innocent passage (or inoffensive passage)/新闻~freedom of information/行动~freedom of action/选择职业~freedom of choice of occupation/学术研究~ freedom of academic research/移动~freedom of action/移民~freedom of migration (or immigration)/言论~freedom of speech;liberty of speech /宗教信仰~freedom of religious belief/可~兑换货币convertible currency/不能~兑换的货币inconvertible currency/~购销free to buy and sell/~过境free transit/~进入free access/~竞争free competition/~流通free flow/~讨论free discussion; free exchange of views/~选择be free to choose;have a free choice/~行动act on one’s own;act as one pleases/~意志liberum arbitrium[拉](free will;free choice)/~党the Liberal Party/~兑换convertible;convertibility/~泛滥(of erroneous ideas,etc) spread unchecked;run wild /~心证free evaluation of the evidence(法律用语)/~应聘口译者free-lance interpreter/~新闻工作者free-lance journalist/~准备金free reserve /~放任laissezfaire[法];let people do whatever they like;let things go their own way/~否决权liberum veto [拉](free,unrestricted veto)/~浮动汇率free floating exchange rate; variable exchange rate/~港free port;free-trade port/~关税区tariff-free zone/~和必然freedom and necessity/~化liberalization/~汇率(价)free exchange rate/~恋爱 free choice of spouse;free love/~贸易free trade;freedom of trade/~贸易港free trade port/~贸易关税free-trade tariff/~贸易区free trade area(or zone)/~贸易协定free trade agreement/~民libertini[拉](freedmen)/~民主党(日)(自民党)Liberal Democratic Party/~能free energy/~女神像(美)Statue of Liberty(inaugurated on Oct.28,1886 in New York)/~人libero(体育)/~散漫slack;lax in discipline;aversion to discipline/~诗free verse /~市free city/~市场free market;open market/~世界free world/~体操free exercise;floor exercise;free Calisthenics(体育)/~意志free will/~泳free style (swimming);crawl(体育)/~职业liberal profession/~职业人员free-lance(or independent) professional;working free-lance;independent professional/~主义liberalism;indiscipline;lack of principle(or sense)of organization/~主义倾向tendency to indiscipline;liberalistic tendencies/~主义态度laissez-faire attitude /~撰稿人freelance;freelancer/~资本主义nonmonopoly capitalism;laissez-faire capitalism/~资产阶级nonmonopoly bourgeoisie; liberal bourgeoisie





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