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单词 even


n. ' evening傍晚。
△ H. V. 3. 1. 19:“Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,/ Have in these parts frommorn till even fought,”你们的祖先们,一个个都像亚力山大,曾在这一带地方从早到晚战斗过。


n. 2 plain truth,truth实情,真相。
△H. V. 2. 1. 128(121): “ The King hath run bad humours on theknight. that's the even of it.”国王对这位爵士发了好大一顿脾气;这就是实情。


1. level,smooth-surfaced平坦的,表面平滑的。
△H.V. 52. 48: “The even mead,” 平坦的牧场。
△1H. VI. 4. 212: “even with the earth”,与土地一般平。
2. smooth,plain,free of obstacles,unobstructed bydifficulty,unimpeded顺利的,平坦的,无阻的,畅通的,不受阻止的。
△As. 5. 4. 18: “I have promised to make allthis matter even.”我曾答应要把这一切事情安排得好好的。
△As. 5. 4. 116 (109):“When earthly things made e-ven ”,人间万事尽亨通。
△R.Ⅲ.3.7.155 (156):“First,ifall obstacles were cut away,/ And that my path wereeven to the crown.”首先,即使一切障碍都已铲除,道路也畅通无阻,使我可以拿到王冠。
3. straight,direct直的,笔直的。
△1H.IV.3.1.115(113):“And then he runs straight and even.”然后它就可以顺流直下、不再绕弯。
4. frank,honest,straight forward坦白的,诚实的,直率的。
△Ham.2.2.304 (287):“be even and direct withme.”要对我开诚布公、直话直说。
5. equal平等的。
△H.V.4.8.115(109): “even play ofbattle,” 平等的交手。
6. clear,plain明白的,清楚的。
△As.5.4.24: “andfrom hence I go,/ To make these doubts all even.”现在我就要去把这些疑问全都弄清(又译:把这些问题全都解决)。
7. constant,consistent; just,true坚定的,始终如一的;(又解)正直的,忠实的。
△H.VIII.3.1.37:“I know my life soeven.”我自知我的生平一贯正派。
8. equable,calm,unruffled,untroubled平静的,镇静的,泰然自若的,无忧无虑的。
△H.V.2.2.3: “How smoothand even they do bear themselves!”他们的态度是多么和蔼可亲、泰然自若呀!
△H.VIII.3.1.164 (165):“I knowyou have a gentle,noble temper,/ A soul as even as acalm;”我知道你有温和高贵的性情,心灵像止水一样平静。
9. impartial公正的,无偏见的。
△Mer. 2. 7. 25: “Andweigh thy value with an even hand.”把你自己的价值作一个公正无私的估计吧。
10. having accounts balanced,equally balanced,quit,not in debt把账算清的,(账目)两清的,了结的,不欠债的。
△Mac.5.7.91 (5.9.28): “And make us even withyou.”使我自己对各位不欠;使我自己心安理得。
△2H.VI.1.3.203(199): “he did vow upon his knees he would beeven with me.”他曾跪下来发誓要跟我把账算清。
△2H.VI.4.7.99 (94):“Nay,he nods at us,as who should say,I’ll be even with you.”不,他向我们点点头,好像一个人在说,我要跟你们把账算清。
11. free,open自由的,畅通的。give even way to (unto): allow free scope or libertyof action to对…给予自由的活动范围或行动自由。
△2H.IV.2.3.2:“Give even way unto my rough affairs;”请让我自己安安静静进行我的严峻的事务。
12. ❶level,smooth,easy平坦的,顺利的,容易的。
△Ado.4.1.268 (264):“A very even way,”一条非常平坦的路(双关:一个直截了当的法子)。


vt. make even,make quits,make equal使平,使对等,使平等。
△Oth.2.1.310 (298):“And nothing can orshall content my soul / Till I am evened with him,wife for wife:”什么都不能使我心满意足,除非老婆对老婆,公平交易。
even over: fill in,fill up the gap in填充,填补…的空白。
△Lr. 4.7.79 (78): “and yet it is danger / To makehim even o’er the time he has lost.” i.e. to make him fill up the gap in his memory; to render what has pas-sed unbroken in his recollection. 不过若是再让他想起他所经历过的事情,那还是危险的。


ad. 1.equally,likewise,as well相等地,一样地,同样。
△As5.4.154(147): “O my dear niece,welcome thou artto me,/ Even daughter,welcome,in no less degree.”i.e. Nay,I will give thee as warm a welcome as to myown daughter. 啊,我亲爱的侄女! 我欢迎你;我对于你的欢迎就像对亲女儿一样。
2. in exact agreement 完全一致,
△Ham. 1. 5. 48:“whose love was of that dignity / That it went hand in hand even with the vow / I made to her in marriage,”我(对她)的爱情是这样庄严,与结婚时我向她发的盟誓完全一致。
△Oth.1.3. 252 (250):“My heart’s subdued / Even to the very quality of my lord.”i.e. My heart is brought into complete agreement with the nature of my husband. 我的心已经变得与我的丈夫的天性(又译:事业)完全一致。3. exactly,precisely确切地,恰恰。
△Rom.3.3.83(84): “O,he is even in my mistress’ case,”啊,他正和我家小姐的情形一样。
△Rom.3.3.85 (86): “Even so liesshe,/ Blubbering and weeping,weeping and blubbe-ring.”她也正是这样躺着,一阵痛哭一阵啜泣,一阵啜泣一阵痛哭。
△Lr.4.6. 195 (190): “I am even / The naturaltool of fortune ”我简直天生下来就注定要被命运玩弄的。
4. just,precisely,exactly正好,恰恰,只不过。
△Tw.2.4.41: “To die,even when they to perfection grow!”刚刚长到全盛的时候就死!
△Tw.5.1.120 (116): “Even what it please my lord,”只要随你的意。
△Tw.5.1.224(214): “Pardon me,sweet one,even for the vows /We made each other but so late ago.”原谅我吧,亲爱的,只为了不久以前我们彼此发下的盟誓。
△Ham.1.2.218:“But even then (i.e. at that very moment) the morning cock crew loud,”但恰巧这时候晨鸡高叫。
△Ham. 2.2.458 (429):“We’ll e'en to it like French falconers,”i.e. We’ll get down to business just like French fal-coners. (The French were the master-falconers of theage.)我们就来吧,学一学法国的养鹰好手。
△R.III.3. 7. 108(109): “Even that,I hope. which pleaseth Godabove / And all good men of this ungoverned isle.”正是为了,我希望,那件上应天心、下顺这个混乱不堪的岛国良民之愿的事。
5. indeed确实。
△Ham.3.2.59 (54):“Horatio,thouart e’en as just a man / As e’er my conversation copedwithal.”霍拉旭,你确实是我在交往中所遇到的最正直的一个人。
6. fully,quite 十分,完全。
△Wiv.4.6.27:“even strong against that match”,十分坚决地反对这场婚事。
△3H.VI.2.6.99: “Even as thou wilt,sweet Warwick,let it be;”亲爱的沃里克,就完全照你的意思办吧。
7. even now,just now,at this moment当下目前,此刻。
△Ham.4.3. 21 (19): “a certain convocation of politic worms are e'en (i.e. even) at him.”一大群精明的蛆虫正在开会议对付他(又译:正在吃他)。
8. prudently,carefully谨慎地,小心地。
△1H.IV.1.3.286 (285):“For bear ourselves as even as we can,”因为不管我们在行动上如何谨慎小心。
even as: in the same manner as正像,恰如。
△H.V.4.1.101 (97):“Even as men wracked upon a sand,that look to be washed off the next tide.”恰如一群人乘船失事,困在沙滩上,只有等着下次潮水来了把他们卷走。
even but now: only just now刚才。
△Ham. 1.1. 81:“Whose image even but now appeared to us,”刚才他的形象还向我们显现。
△Mid.3.2.225:“Who even but now did spurn me with his foot,”他方才还用脚踢我。
even now: ❶just now,a moment ago刚才,不久前。
△Mer. 1.1.35: “And in a word,but even now worth
this,/And now worth nothing?”方才还价值连城,转眼间就化为泡影吗?
△Tw. 2.2.1:“Were not you even now with the Countess Olivia?”你不是刚才还在奥丽维娅伯爵小姐那里的吗?
△Mac. 1.4.15:“The sin of my ingrati-tude even now / Was heavy on me.” i.e. I was justnow reproaching myself bitterly for not having re-warded you as you deserve. 我的忘恩负义的罪恶,刚才还重压在我的心头。(又译)我无法答谢的歉疚,此刻还使我心头沉重。
△2H.IV. 2. 2. 87 (79): “ ’A ( = he) calls me e'en now,my lord,through a red lattice,”殿下,他刚才隔着一个红格子窗户叫我。
❷at this very instant就在此刻。
△Mer.3.2.170(169): “and even now,but now,/This house,these servants,and this same myself / Areyours—”现在,就在现在,这所房子,这些仆人,还有我自己,都属于你了。


adj.平 (坦) 的,均匀的,偶数的,平均的,相等的,一致的,连贯的,公平的/ v.使平坦,使相等,使平(等)n. 偶数,黄昏,证券市场的轧平交易,总杆数平标准杆,匀实
◇ even up 使均匀,使平均
even up on sb. 向某人报复(答)/ get even with sb.算账
make odds even 扯平
‖ even airway 偶数编号航线
even bargain 公平交易
even bet 成败机会相等
even chance 机会相等,胜负机会相等
even death would be too good for him 死有余辜
even death would not expiate all his crimes 死有余辜
even development 平衡发展
even exchange 公平交换
even front zone 偶数夹前的区域联防
even game 双数局
even illumination 均匀照明
even keel 船身平稳
even load 均匀负载
even lot 等分
even number of points 双数分数
even number 偶数,双号
even odds 成败机会相等
even pace 匀速
even-pace chart 均匀速度表
even-pace swimming 匀速游
even pacing 均匀速度
even par 满击数
even pulling 硬拉
even spread 轧平利差
even time 10秒跑完100码
even up 平分,拉平,均等
even working 整帖装订
evening out 均衡
evening up 对冲,结清轧平,碰到同样的运气
even-even n.偶数对
evenfall n. 傍晚,黄昏
evenly adv./ evenness n.平等 (均),均匀性,一致性,平稳,平分法
evenness indices 均匀性指数





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