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单词 spy
spy/spaɪ/ n [-yies/z/]; v [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]

n (1)间谍(person employed esp by a governmentto obtain secret information or intelligence about another country)[C]:a foreign/military~外国/军事间谍;be suspected of being a~被怀疑是间谍;be arrested as a~作为间谍被捕;a~plane/ring/network;间谍飞机/集团/网;~trial 对间谍嫌疑犯进行的审讯;〖同〗operative,informer;

(2)侦(密)探,窃取情报者(person who secretly seeks information concerning personsprojectsor the likeesp for profit)[C]:industrial/police~ies 工业间谍/警探;

→′spy-glass n 小型望远镜;′spy-hole n 观察孔;

v (1)作间谍;窥(监)视,侦察(探)(work as a spy;watch secretly)[II+prep (on/into)]:S~ing is dangerous. 从事间谍活动是危险的。~for the enemy 为敌人充当间谍;be expelled for~ing 因从事间谍活动而被驱逐出境;Don't~on me/your neighbour. 别在暗中监视我/你的邻居。~on the enemy submarines/army监视敌人的潜艇/军队;~into other people's affairs 窥探他人的事;〖同〗shadow,scout;

(2)看见,注意到,发现(catch sight of;see;notice)[T+nC+n+-ing][通常不用prog](fml,joc):~a small bird in the tree/a human figure on the hill-side 发现树上有一只小鸟/山坡上有个人影;~sb trying to hide behind a tree/coming the path 发现某人试图藏在树后/从小路上走来;〖同〗see,observe,spot,sight,detect;

spy out the land 摸清情况:He sent forward a few scouts to~out the land. 他派出了几个侦察员去了解情况。

spy out (v adv)侦察出,暗中探明(vt):The detective~ied out the suspected thief. 侦探查明了那个盗窃嫌疑人。





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