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单词 warrant
释义 warrant /'worant US: 'war-; 'warant/ n 1 [U] justification or authority: 正当; 正当的理由; 根据烬威: He had no ~ for saying so/for what he did. 他那样说(做) 毫无理由。 2 [C] written order giving official authority for sth: 令段; 授权状; 委任状: a ~ to arrest a suspected criminal. 逮捕破疑犯的令状或拘票。 The 'death- ~ has been signed. 死刑执行令已签字了。厶 ~ is out for his arrest/ against him. 逮捕他的拘票已发出了。 Here are the ~s for your dividends, ie on shares. 这是你的股利券。 3 [C] certificate appointing a man as a ~ officer. 准尉粪任 。 ' ~ officer n highest grade of non-commissioned officer in the army, air force, (GB) marines, (US) navy. (陆军,空晕,英国海军陆战队, 美国海军之)准尉。 vt 1 [VP6A] be a ~⑴ for: 证明…为正当; 有理由; 有权力: Nothing can ~ such insolence. 这等无礼毫无道理。 His interference was certainly not ~ed. 他显然无权干预。 2 [VP6A, 9, 25] guarantee (the more usu word); (colloq) assure: 保证 (guarantee 较常用); 担保; (俗)确定; 包准: This material is ~ed (to be) pure silk. 这料子保证是纯丝的。 I'll ~ him an honest and reliable man. 我保证他是一个诚实可靠的人。 I can't ~ it to be/ ~ that it is genuine. 我不能担保那是真货。 He'll be back, / ~ (= assure) you, when the money's paid out. 这笔钱一付,我保证他会回来。 warrantee /oron'ti: US:, wo: r-; zw3ran-'ti/ n person to whom a warranty is made. 被保证人。 warrantor /'woranto: (r) US: 'war-; 'wor-anzt3r/ n person who makes a warranty. 保证人。 warranty /'woranti US: 'wo: r-; 'woranti/ n [C] (pl -ties) authority; (written or printed) guarantee (eg to repair or replace defective goods): 权威; 根据; (写出或印出的)担保; 保证(如修理或掉换有缺点的货物); 保单: What ~y have you for doing this? 你凭杵么做这件事? Can you give me a ~y of quality for these goods? 你能给我一张这些货物的品卖保单吗? The car is still under ~ y. 这部车仍在保用期间。




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