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单词 胶柱鼓瑟

胶柱鼓瑟jiāo zhù gǔ sè

play the se (an ancient zither-like instrument) with the pegs glued—stub bornly stick to old ways in the face of changed circumstances; act with a one-track mind unadaptable to changing circumstances; strait laced
❍ 似你这样寻根究底,便是刻舟求剑、~了!(《红楼梦》1546) All these questions you ask show that you’re a pig-headed pedant and won’t get you anywhere!/王以名使括,若胶柱而鼓瑟耳。(《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》2446) If you are sending him because of his father’s fame,that is like playing the cithern with fixed frets.
❍ 黛玉忙拦道: “这宝姐姐也忒 ‘~’、矫揉造作了。……” (《红楼梦》634) Daiyu at once objected,“Don’t be so sanctimonious and strait-laced,dear cousin. …”

胶柱鼓瑟jiao zhu gu se

play the se(an ancient zither-like instrument)with the pegs glued—stubbornly stick to old ways in the face of changed circumstances

胶柱鼓瑟jiāo zhù ɡǔ sè

胶:粘胶;柱:指瑟上调节声音的短木;鼓:弹奏;瑟:古代的一种乐器。用胶把柱粘住,就不能再调整音调。比喻拘泥死板,缺乏变通。stubbornly stick to old ways in the face of changed circumstance, straitlaced, obstiate and crass





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:32:11