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单词 terms


n. (pl.)
1. words. expressions言词,措辞。
△H.V.4.8.43 (41):“’Twas I indeed thou promisedst to strike,/ Andthou hast given me most bitter terms.”你说的要打的人其实就是我,你还对我说了些极刺耳的话。
△H.V.5.2.99:“Will you vouchsafe to teach a soldier terms,/Suchas will enter at a lady’s ear,”你可肯教给一个军人怎样说话,才能进入小姐的耳朵?
△1H.VI.2.5.47: “Amongwhich terms he used his lavish tongue /And did up-braid me with my father’s death;”在言词争执中他竟出口放肆,拿我父亲的死斥责我。
terms of love: words or expressions of friendship友好的言词。(又译:友好的表示。)
△1H.IV.5.5.2: “did notwe send grace,/ Pardon,and terms of love to all ofyou?”我不是对你们都提出过恩惠的保证、宽恕和友好的表示吗?terms of rage: angry words愤怒的言语。
△3H.VI.1.1.264: “Poor Queen! How love to me and to her son, Hath made her break out into terms of rage.”可怜的王后! 对我、对她儿子的爱激发她说出这些怒气冲冲的话。
2. words,style言词,语调。
high terms: lofty words,lofty style崇高的言词,高傲的口气。
△1H.VI.1.2.93: “Thou hast astonished me with thy high terms.”你这高傲的口气使我非常吃惊。
△2H.VI.4. 9. 44:“In any case,benot too rough in terms;” 无论如何,语言不要太激烈。
△3H.VI.2.2.85:“Becomes it thee to be thus bold in terms/ Before thy sovereign and thy lawful king?”在你的君主和合法的国王面前语言如此狂妄,适合你的身份吗?
4. circumstances. condition,situation境况,状况,处境。
△Ham.3.3.5: “The terms of our estate may notendure / Hazard so near us as doth hourly grow / Outof his brows. ”我身为国王的地位这一状况,也不能容忍这样由他的疯狂随时可以产生的近在身旁的危险。
△Ham. 4. 7. 26:“A sister driven into desperate terms,”一个妹妹被逼得发疯。
△Wiv. 2. 2. 23 (22):“to keep the terms of minehonour precise.”牢牢保住我自己的名誉。
△1H.IV. 5. 1.9: “ ’Tis not well,That you and I should meet uponsuch terms / As now we meet.”你和我竟然在今天这样的情况下相见,实在不好。
△H. V. 3. 6. 80 (74):“what termsthe enemy stood on;”敌人的处境又怎么样。(又译:敌人那边坚持什么样的条件。)(按: stood on又 解作insisted on.“坚持”。)
5. respect方面。
△Mer. 2. 1. 13:“In terms of choice”,i.e. in respect of choice; in choosing. 在择配方面;关于择配。
Phrases :
in fair (or good) terms: pretty thoroughly非常彻底地。
△H.V. 2. 1.59 (56):“If you grow foul with me,Pis-tol,I will scour you with my rapier,as I may,in fairterms. ”如果你敢对我出口带脏字儿,皮司多,我就拿我这把剑当通条,把你彻彻底底打扫干净。
△H.V. 2. 1. 61 (57):“If youwould walk off,I would prick your guts a little ingood terms,as I may,”如果你愿意挪动一步,我就把你的肠子彻底戳穿,我能办得到。
terms of honour: code of honour荣誉的准则。
△Ham.5. 260 (246): “but in my terms of honour / I standaloof;”不过在荣誉准则方面,我却做不得主。





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