聊liáoⅠ ❶ (姑且) merely; just; rather: ~ 以助兴 just for entertainment; ~ 陈愚见 just express my opinion ❷ (略微) a little; slightly: ~ 胜一筹 just a little better Ⅱ ❶ [口] (闲谈) chat: 多 ~ 一会儿 stay and chat a while yet; 晚饭后咱们 ~ ~ 。 Let's have a chat after supper. ❷ (依赖) rely on; depend: 民不 ~ 生。 The people find it hard to live on. Ⅲ ❶ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 亮 Liao Liang ❷ (趣味) interest; delight: 无 ~ bored; boring ◆聊备一格 may serve as a specimen; 聊赖 sth. to live for; sth. to rely upon; 聊且 tentatively; for the moment; 聊胜于无 Something is better than nothing.; A bad bush is better than an open field.; A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.; A little is better than none.; 聊天儿 [口] chat; gossip; small talk; 聊以解嘲 manage somehow to relieve embarrassment; in a feeble attempt to silence jeers; make a feeble attempt to explain things away when ridiculed; say or do sth. in order to avoid mockery; 聊以塞责 trump up so as to avoid blame; just to meet the bare requirements; 聊以自慰 find relief in ...; comfort oneself with the thought that ...; just to console oneself; lay a flattering unction to the soul; soothe oneself with a pleasant thought; The only thing that consoles me is...; will oneself into contentment; with a view to consoling oneself; 聊以自娱 just to entertain oneself; 聊以卒岁 just to tide over the year; He barely makes both ends meet at the end of the year.; reach the end of the year without being in debt; 《聊斋志异》 title of a collection of bizarre stories by Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty |