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❶ (东西的一头向下) hang down;droop;let fall: ~ 发 have one's hair hang down;~ 手站着 stand with one's hands at one's sides;
柳枝低 ~ 在水面上。The branches of the willows drooped over the water. 她两根乌黑的辫子 ~ 在背上。Two black plaits hung down her back. 小鸟 ~ 下了翅膀。The bird drooped his wings.
❷ [书] (敬辞,多用于长辈、上级对自己的行动) condescend: ~ 念 show kind concern for (me);~ 询 condescend to inquire
❸ [书] (流传) bequeath to posterity;hand [go] down: 功 ~ 竹帛 be recorded in history in letters of gold Ⅱ [书] (将近) almost;nearing;approaching: ~ 老 approaching old age;getting on in years
◆垂成 [书] drawing close to a successful conclusion;be approaching success or completion;
垂钓 fish with a hook and line;go angling;angle for fish;
垂泪 shed tears;weep;
垂帘 (of an empress or empress dowager) hold court from behind a screen;{中医} curtain- falling;
垂帘听政 attend to state affairs behind the bamboo curtain — said of an empress;hold court from behind a screen;administer the state from “behind the veil”;attend to state affairs from behind a curtain;led down the screen and receive reports on the government;rule in place of the emperor behind a screen;supervise administration behind the bamboo [pearl] screen;
垂柳 Salix babylonica;weeping willow;drooping willow;
垂暮 [书] dusk;towards sunset;just before sundown;
垂青 [书] show appreciation for sb.;look upon sb. with favour;
垂手 (表示容易) obtain sth. with hands down;be within easy reach;(表示恭敬) let the hands hang by the sides (a gesture of respectful attention);
垂[唾]手可得 acquire a thing easily;acquire sth. with a wet finger;can get in without the least difficulty;easy to obtain [get];get sth. without great effort;get [win] sth. with hands down;get ... without lifting a finger;need but put forth one's hands and capture;within easy reach;
垂死 moribund;dying;
垂死挣扎 give dying kicks;be in the throes of one's deathbed struggle;conduct desperate struggles;deathbed struggle;desperate fling;flounder desperately before dying;last thrusts;put up [wage] a desperate [last-gasp;last-ditch] struggle;put up a last-ditch fight;make a last desperate stand;sprawl one's last;struggle desperately;wage a deathbed struggle,be in one's death throes;wage a last-ditch struggle (to avert defeat);
垂体 {生理} hypophysis;pituitary body;pituitary gland;pituitarium;
垂髫 [书] early childhood;
垂头丧气 become dejected and despondent;be downcast (in spirit);be in low spirits;be weighed down;bow one's head with sorrow;bury one's head dejected;look [become] crestfallen;lose one's spirits;hang one's head;hang one's head in dismay;have (a fit of) the mopes;head in dejection;mope oneself away;sink one's head upon one's breast;with the tail between the legs;
垂危 critically ill;terminally ill;at one's last gasp;close to death;near one's end;approaching death;
垂涎 drool;slaver;covet;hanker after;gloat over [on;upon];垂涎三尺 spittle three feet long — drool with envy;bring the water to sb.'s mouth;cannot hide one's greed;cast a covetous eye at sth. [on ...];cast greedy eyes at;make sb's mouth water;mouth watering three feet down the lips;One's mouth waters [drools] with envy.;with mouth watering copiously for;
垂涎欲滴 make one's mouth watery — be unable to hide one's greed;bring the water to one's mouth;drool with envy;hanker for;keep a covetous eye on;One's mouth has long been wa ̄tering for;One's mouth was watering.;
垂线 (与另一条直线或平面相垂直的直线) perpendicular;vertical;{数} vertical line;perpendicular line;
垂直 perpendicular;vertical; upright; squareness;verticality;perpendicularity;
垂直度 verticality;perpendicularity;
垂直面 perpendicular plane;EEPvertical face;vertical plane;
垂足 {数} foot point;pedal;foot of a perpendicular





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