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单词 垂头丧气

垂头丧气chuí tóu sàng qì

be borne down with grief; be cast down; blue about the gills; bow one’s head with sorrow; bury one’s head in dejection;chopfullen (chapfallen); crest(-)fallen; dejected;despondently; depressed; dispiritedly; down (/broken)in spirits; have one’s heart in one’s boots;in a very gloomy atmosphere; look deflated; sunken and downcast
❍ 秦显家的听了,轰去了魂魄,~,登时掩旗息鼓,卷包而去。(《红楼梦》787) Thunderstruck and utterly cast down by this news,Qin Xian’s wife made haste to pack up and beat a retreat.
❍ 我不行这个射覆,没的~闷人,…… (《红楼梦》794) I shan’t play conundrums; that’s too boring and depressing.
❍ 李德才一口回绝说情的事,运涛~走出来。(梁斌《红旗谱》98)Since Li refused so curtly,Yuntao walked away crestfallen./“这不是我能够做主的,”老姚~的说。(高云览《小城春秋》183)“It’s out of my hands,” Yao Mu replied despondently.
❍ 王利发的儿子王大栓,~地独自收拾屋子。(老舍《茶馆》45) Wang Dashuan,Wang Lifa’s son,in low spirits,is tidying the premises.


bury one’s head in dejection;downcast;crestfallen

垂头丧气chuí tóu sànɡ qì

垂:低下;丧:丧失。低着头,无精打采。比喻精神不振,意志消沉。dejected, in low spirits, hang one’s head, feel sorry for oneself, down in the mouth, lose one’s spirits, sink into one’s boots, blue about the gills, with the tail between the legs





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:25:55