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单词 翻天覆地

翻天覆地天翻地覆fān tiān fù dì

cataclys mal; drastic; earth shaking; epoch-making; make a shambles of; pandemonium reigns; tremendous change; head over heels; world-shaking
❍ 工作队的到来,确实是元茂屯~的事情的开始。(周立波《暴风骤雨》12) The arrival of the land reform work team in Yuanmao meant the real beginning of a cataclysmal change./“世上已千年”,还形容不了~的革命形势的迅速发展咧! (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》299) “While outside millennia have passed” signified the rapid develop ment of the earth-shaking revolution!/他觉得每个战士都是顶天立地的人,都是翻天覆地的英雄。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》 603) Every one of those men was a giant,an epoch-making hero.
❍ 那时,一屋子人,拉这个,扯这个,正闹得~。(《红楼梦》1354) Pandemonium reigned as the maids tried to attend to their mistresses.
❍ 在进行着~的革命事业的人们的面前,革命工作中的困难和挫折都是十分渺小的存在。(何其芳《不怕鬼的故事》序) To people engaged in the stupendous cause of revolution,difficulties and setbacks in revolutionary work are very small things.
❍ 她肚子很痛,象是那个小东西在里面~般的转动着,跳跃着,仿佛肚里的大肠小肠的位置都给他弄错了。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—295) Her womb was giving her great pain now; the child seemed to be turning head over heels and leaping about inside her and it felt as if his struggles were churning up her bowels and displacing them.

翻天覆地天翻地覆fān tiān fù dì

覆:翻过来。比喻变化巨大、彻底。world-shaking, overturning heaven and earth, upsetting the universe, turn the whole world upside down





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