释义 |
挺tǐnɡⅠ ❶ (伸直或凸出) stick out; bulge or protrude; straighten up: ~ 胸 throw out one's chest; square one's shoulders; ~ 起腰杆 straighten one's back; straighten up; ~ 着脖子 straighten one's neck; ~ 着肚子 protrude one's belly ❷ (勉强支撑) stand; hold out; bear; endure: ~ 得住伤痛 can bear [stand] pains; ~ 过了一场大病 succeeded in pulling through the illness; 他受了伤, 还硬 ~ 着。 Though wounded, he was still holding out. Ⅱ ❶ (硬而直) stiff; straight; erect; upright: ~ 直的体态 an erect bearing; 笔 ~ 的制服 well-ironed uniform; 直 ~ ~ 地站着 stand straight and stiff ❷ (特出; 杰出) distinguished; standing out: 英 ~ outstanding; distinguished Ⅲ (很) very; quite; pretty; rather: 工作 ~ 勤奋 be very diligent in one's work; 今天 ~ 冷。 It's rather [pretty; quite] cold today. 这孩子 ~ 聪明。 This child is quite clever. Ⅳ (用于机关枪): 两 ~ 重机枪 two heavy machine guns ◆挺拔 tall and straight; forceful; 挺拔不群 stiff upright and uncommon to all; 挺不住 cannot stand [bear] it; cannot take it any more; 挺括 [方] stiff and smooth; 挺过去 tough it out; 挺好 not half bad; 挺进 boldly drive on; press onward; push forward; 挺举 {体} clean and jerk; 挺立 stand upright; stand firm; 挺立不拔 stand upright and rock-firm; 挺立如松 stand erect and majestic as green pines; 挺起胸膛 stick [throw] out one's chest; 挺然不群 be distinguished from fellow men; 挺身 straighten one's back; 挺身反抗 rise in furious resistance; 挺身而出 step forward bravely [boldly]; bell the cat; bolster oneself up; come forward courageously; come out boldly; stand up and volunteer to help; throw oneself forward; thrust oneself forward to face a challenge; 挺身后滚翻 {体} fish flop; 挺身式跳远 {体} hang style; 挺身屹立 stand upright; 挺身应付 desperate; 挺尸 [口] lie stiff like a corpse; 挺爽手[快] crisp; 挺胸突肚 stick out one's chest; a high breast and big belly; puff up one's chest; stand straight in a gesture of self-confidence; stretch the chest and expand the belly; with one's chest stuck out; 挺秀 tall and graceful; 挺直 straight and upright |