释义 |
挺身而出tǐng shēn ér chūcome forward cou rageously;come out boldly;step forth (/forward)bravely (/boldly) ❍ 我看见婵娟被人虐待,我看见你~,指天画地有所争论。(郭沫若《屈原》135) I saw them bair Chan Juan.I saw you come out from the crowd,gesticulating and protesting. ❍ 他能够在患难时~,在困难时尽最大的责任。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》39) In times of adversity he steps forward boldly,and in times of difficulty he does his duty to the full. ❍ 此时钓者在堤上从人群中~。(郭沫若《屈原》110) The fisherman suddenly steps out from the crowd on the bank. ❍ 死,在以前得欣确实很少想过,当他~的时候,就已经把生死撇在一边去了。(石文驹《战地红缨》223) But Hardy had never in his young life been frightened by the thought of death.And when he walked out of the crowd,he pushed aside all thought of his personal safety. 挺身而出step forward bravely;come out boldly;rise courageously ~,英勇斗争,不怕牺牲step forward and fight bravely,daring to make any sacrifice 挺身而出tǐng shēn ér chū形容遇到危险情况时,勇敢地站出来。come out boldly, step out bravely, stand up and counted, bolster oneself up |