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单词 群龙无首

群龙无首qún lóng wú shǒu

a host of dragons without a head—a group without a leader;an army without a general; like sheep without a leader
❍ 因为他看到革命党~;……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—257)Obviously he had discovered that the revolutionaries were an army without a general.
❍ 失去江姐和李青竹以后,女室的战友们,似乎变得~了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》528) The women prisoners had behaved like sheep without a leader,since the loss of Sister Jiang and Li Qingzhu.
❍ 抓住了李敬原,重庆地下党~,马上会陷于紊乱。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》558) If we catch Li Jingyuan,the Chongqing Underground will lose its leader and be plunged into confusion.

群龙无首qun long wu shou

a host of dragons without a head—a group without a leader


leaderless; a multitude without a leader

群龙无首qún lónɡ wú shǒu

比喻无人领导,事情没法开展。a group without a leader, an army without a general





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