detent[diˈtent]n.插销,扳手,制动器,爪 ‖ detention[diˈtenʃən]n.拘留,禁闭,阻止,滞留,卡住,扣押,监禁,延期 detention act拘留条例 detention arrest procedure捕押手续 detention barracks军事监狱 detention barracks军中拘留所 detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits超期羁押 detention camp隔离营 detention camp隔离营 detention center拘留中心 detention center青少年罪犯感化中心 detention evidence拘留证据 detention home青少年临时拘留所 detention house看守所,扣留所 detention order扣押令 detention period滞留期 detention punishment留校惩罚,留置惩罚 detention request羁押申请书 detention room禁闭室 detention under demand羁押 detention warrant羁押令 detention with postponement监候 detention without trial未经审讯而监禁 house of detention拘留所,课后留校 |