detainvt 1.keep back留下。 △Lr.1.2.43 (41):“I shall offendeither to detain or to give it.”i.e.either to keep itback or to give it up.无论把它留着或是拿出来,我都要得罪你。 2. withhold勒扣,不给。 △ Com.2.1.107:“Would thatalone. alone he would detain.”哪怕那件东西,仅仅那件东西,他不给我。 3. withhold,keep away 阻止,使离开。 △Lr.4.3.47(45): “these things sting / His mind so venomously,that burning shame / Detains him from Cordelia.”这些情形强烈地刺痛着他的心,阻止他和考狄利娅相见。 detain[diˈtein]v.拘留,扣留,阻拦,看押,拘押,拘禁 ◇be detained by被…挡(拦)住 ‖ detained for further review拘留审查 detained goods扣留的货物 detained person被扣押者 detained provisionally暂行扣留 detaining by police for questioning被警方扣押审问 detaining power拘留国 detainer n.拘留,扣住(留)detainee n.被拘留者 detainer n.拘留,扣住(留),挽留者,扣押者,拘留者,非法留滞,继续监禁令 detainment n.拘留,监禁,扣押,扣留 |