素sùⅠ ❶ (本色; 白色) white: ~ 绢 white silk; 身穿缟 ~ in a white mourning dress ❷ (颜色单纯) plain; simple; quiet: ~ 色 plain colour; ~ 纱罗plain gauze ❸ (本来的; 原有的) native: ~ 性 one's disposition [temperament] Ⅱ ❶ (蔬菜、瓜果等食物) vegetable: 吃 ~ be a vegetarian; 三荤一 ~ three meat dishes and one vegetable dish ❷ (带有根本性质的物质) basic element; element: 毒 ~ poison; 色 ~ pigment; 维生 ~ vitamin Ⅲ (素来; 向来) usually; habitually; always: 平 ~ usually; 青藏高原 ~ 有世界屋脊之称。 The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau has long been known as the roof of the world. ◆素不相识 be strangers to each other; be a complete stranger to...; 素材 source material (of literature and art); material; 素菜 vegetable plate [dish];素餐 vegetarian meal [diet]; be a vegetarian; [书] not work for one's living; 素常 usually; ordinarily; habitually; 素淡 quiet (colour); 素服 white clothing (as a sign of mourning); 素混凝土 plain concrete; 素净 plain and neat; quiet (colour); 素酒 wine served at a vegetarian feast; [方] vegetarian feast; 素来 always; usually; all along; 素昧平生 have never met before; a total stranger; be a complete stranger to ...; be strangers to each other; didn't know each other before; have never had the honour of making sb.'s acquaintance; know nothing about sb.; 素描 sketch; literary sketch; 素朴 simple and unadorned; rudimentary; 素日 generally; usually; 素食 vegetarian diet; be a vegetarian; 素席 vegetarian feast; 素馨 {植} jasmine; jasmine absolute; 素雅 simple but elegant; unadorned and in good taste; quiet and in good taste; 素养 accomplishment; attainment; 素因 procatarxis; 素油 vegetable oil; 素质 quality; {医} diathesis; {心理} disposition procatarxis; timber; 素妆淡描 have a simple make up; (She) wore some pale-hued garment and had smoothed a little red [rouge] upon (her) face. |