Ⅰ [书] ❶ (生养) bring up ❷ (卖) sell; vend Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 民生 Yu Minsheng 另见 see also zhōu。
(稀饭; 半流质食物) congee; gruel; porridge: 小米 ~ millet gruel; 麦片 ~ porridge 另见 see also yù。 ◆粥杯 porringer; 粥少僧多 There are too many (Buddhist) monks and too little gruel — cannot meet the needs of ...; little gruel and many monks — not enough to go round; 粥样硬化 {医} atherosis; athero ̄ sclerosis; atheroscleosis; scleratheroma