释义 |
烟消云散云消雾散yān xiāo yún sànvanish like smoke and disperse like clouds—completely vanish; disappear (/vanish) in a flash (/puff of smoke); end (go up) in smoke (/nothing); (go)to the (four) winds; melt (/vanish) away; pass away like a breath of wind; vanish from the scene(/into the void) ❍ 人们都象刘大爷一样,说不出的兴奋,微山失守后的哀愁已~。(知侠《铁道游击队》543) Like Uncle Liu,the villagers were overjoyed. The depression that had settled on them after the fall of Weishan Island was dispelled like dark patches of cloud before the wind. ❍ 那人走到山顶,回头察看自己的脚印被掩雪盖没了,四下里又空无一人,昨天那种被追捕的恐慌,已经~,……(曲波《林海雪原》157) At the top of the ridge,the man turned to look back.Already his tracks were concealed by the falling snow. No one was in sight. His panic of the previous evening was quite gone now..../生宝紧张的心情,被县委副书记这一番笑谈,一下子冲得~。(柳青《创业史》267)At Secretary Yang’s friendly jesting,Shengbao’s tension melted away. ❍ 陈白露(方才那一阵兴奋又~,叹一口气) 达生,我从前有过这么一个时期,是一个快活的孩子么? (《曹禺选集》139) Pailu (her high spirits of a moment ago suddenly pass away like a breath of wind. She sighs and says as if broken by age) Was there once a time when I was like that,Dasheng?Was I really a happy little girl once?/他这几天的奔波疲劳和苦闷,被赶得~了。(知侠《铁道游击队》526) All the fatigue and dejection of the past few days seemed to vanish like smoke. 烟消云散vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds;completely vanish 烟消云散yān xiāo yún sàn像烟和云一样消散了。比喻事情消失得干干净净。end up in smoke, melt into air, blow over, completely vanish, go up in smoke, disappear in a flash, dispersed |