竞(競)jìnɡⅠ (竞争;竞赛) compete;contest;vie: 百里江面,千帆 ~ 发。 A thousand boats set sail on a long stretch of the river. Ⅱ [书] (强劲) strong;powerful: 南风不 ~ too frail to stand a gust of wind;so weak as to be unable to stand any breeze ◆竞标 competitive bidding;competitive tender; 竞渡 boat race;swimming race; 竞技 sports;athletics; 竞技状态 form (of an athlete);playing condition; 竞价 competitive bidding; 竞赛 contest;competition;emulation;race; 竞算 competitive bidding; 竞相出高价 bid up;bid against each other; 竞相赞美 vie in singing the praises of sb.; 竞销力 competently marketing ability; 竞选 enter into an election contest;campaign for (office);stand for;run for;election campaign; 竞争 compete;vie;contend; 竞争力 competence ability; 竞争型公关 competitive public relations; 竞争型决策 competitive decision- making; 竞争性 competitiveness; 竞走 {体} heel-and- toe walking race |