释义 |
grandsiren. 1. grandfather,ancestor 祖父,祖先。 △Mer.1.1.84:“his grandsire cut in alabaster”,i. e. an alabaster fig-ure of his grandfather. 他的老爷爷的石膏塑像(指当时教堂坟墓上常有的石像)。 2. grandfather 祖父,外祖父。 △Oth.1.1.91: “Or elsethe devil will make a grandsire of you.”要不然那黑魔鬼就要使你当外祖父了。(按:魔鬼为黑色,在此指奥瑟罗。) 3. grandfather,old man 老爷爷,老爷子。 △Rom. 2.4.33(31):“Why,is not this a lamentable thing,grand-sire,”(Mercutio addresses Benvolio,pretending theyare old men complaining of the follies of the young.)唉,老爷子,这岂不是令人痛心的事? △H.V.3. Cho.19:“And leave your England as dead midnight still,/Guarded with grandsires,babies,and old women,”把你们的英格兰留在万籁俱寂的深夜里,让那些老弱妇孺去保卫它吧。 grandsire phrase: ancient proverbial saying,old pro-verb 古老的谚语,古话。 △Rom.1.4.37:“For I am pro-verbed with a grandsire phrase,”i.e.equipped with an ancient proverbial saying. 我记得一名古老谚语。 |