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单词 玉石俱焚

玉石俱焚yù shí jù fén

jade and stone are burned together—destruction of good and bad alike; the good perishes (/goes down) with the bad; indis criminate destruction
❍ 倘若故伤羽翼,屈坏股肱,便当拔寨兴师,同心雪恨,大兵到处,~。(《水浒全传》791)If however you injure these men who are our wings,our limbs,we shall descend from our fortress in full force and take vengeance,incinerating and destroying everything good or bad.
❍ 若再留恋,倘~,益增妾罪。望陛下舍妾之身,以保宗社。(洪昇《长生殿》)If I hesitate any longer,we may all be destroyed,and then my guilt will be greater. Please give me up,to preserve your empire.
❍ 大炎崑冈,~。(《尚书·胤征》)When the fire blazes over the ridge of Kun,gems and stones are burned together.
❍ 路只有两条,一条登报自新,恢复自由;一条长期监禁,~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》204)There are two roads before you. One is to write that statement to be published in the papers and go free.The other is long-term imprisonment and self destruction.


Jade and stone burned together.—destruction of good and bad alike

玉石俱焚yù shí jù fén

玉和石头一起烧毁。比喻不分好坏,同归于尽。destruction of good and bad alike, indiscriminate destruction, total ruin of the good and the bad





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