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单词 protest


n. protestation. affirmation 坚决声明,断言。
△1H.IV.3.1.258 (254):“and leave ‘in sooth’,/ And such protest of pepper-gingerbread,”把“说实话”以及这一类像胡椒姜饼一样到嘴就碎的断言留下来。


1. proclaim,declare 声明,宣布。
△L.L.L.5.2.529(528): “for I protest,the schoolmaster is exceedingfantastical,”因为,我要声明,那位教书先生是十分地古怪。
△ Ado.4.1.285 (279): “I protest I love thee.”我坚决声明我爱你。
△Ado.5.1.151(147):“Do me right; or Iwill protest your cowardice.”给我满意答复,否则我就公开宣布你的怯懦。
△Tw.1.5.93 (88): “I protest I takethese wise men. that crow so at these set kind offools. no better than the fools' zanies.”我可以说,凡是听着这种矫揉造作的小丑胡说乱道便要哈哈大笑的聪明人,不过是小丑的应声虫罢了。
△Tw.3.4.333 (300):“He protests hewill not hurt you.”他声明他不会伤害你。
△Rom.3.1.73(68):“I do protest I never injuried thee,”我要声明我从来没有伤害过你。
△Oth.4.2.210 (207):“but yet I pro-test I have dealt most directly in thy affair.”不过我也要声明,对你这件事我一直是尽心竭力的。
△Mac.3.4.105(104):“If trembling I inhabit then,protest me / Thebaby of a girl.”要是我那时会发抖,就宣布我是一个小女孩。
△Mac.5.2.10:“And many unrough youths that e-ven now / Protest their first of manhood.”还有许多没有长胡子的青年现在就来宣告他们已经初到成年。
△3H.VI.3.3.181:“King Lewis,I here protest in sight ofheaven. / And by the hope I have of heavenly bliss.”路易王,我在上天面前,并且以我对于天堂幸福的希望来声明…。
2. avow,vow. swear郑重声明,起誓,发誓。
△Tw.5.1.174 (170):“My lord,I do protest—”殿下,我敢发誓——
△ Mid.1.1.89: “Or on Diana's altar to protest/ Foraye austerity and single life.”再不然,就得跪在黛安娜的祭坛前,宣誓永远刻苦修行,终生不嫁。(Diana,月亮女神,是守贞的女神。)
△Rom.2.4.184(172):“I protest unto thee—”我对你郑重声明(又译:发誓)。
△Rom.2.4.190(177):“I will tell her,sir,that you do protest,”我就对她说你郑重声明(又译:发过誓)了。
△R.III.2.1.26:“This inter-change of love. I here protest,/ Upon my part shallbe inviolable”这种爱的交流,我宣誓,绝不会因我这一方而受到侵犯。
3. promise solemnly庄严许诺。
△Ham. 3. 2. 242 (230):“The lady doth protest too much,methinks.”我觉得那个女人表明心迹,未免过分了。
4. affirm,assert 断言,肯定地说。
△1H.VI.4.2.19:“For I protest we are well fortified / And strong e-nough to issue out and fight.”因为我断言我们防御坚固而且兵力强大,可以冲出去与你作战。


◇lodge a protest递交抗议书
lodge a protest with向…提出抗议
protest against抗议,反对
‖ protest fee拒付通知单费用
protest note拒付通知书
protest of bills票据拒付证书
protest vote逆反票
protested cheque被拒付支票
protesting party拒付人
protestor n.抗议者,反对者
protestatory adj.表示抗议(异议)的
protest fee拒付通知单费用
protest for dishonour拒绝汇票证书
protest note拒付通知书
protest of bills票据拒付证书
protested cheque被拒付支票
protestor n. formal protest正式抗议
protest flag抗议旗
protest match抗议游行
protest rally抗议集会
protest strike表示抗议的罢工
protest strongly强烈抗议
protestation n.protestor n.抗议者,反对者
protestatory adj.表示抗议(异议)的
protest for dishonor拒绝汇票证书
protest for non-acceptance拒绝承兑通知书
protest for nonpayment拒绝付款证书
protest in due course到期票据拒付证书
protest jacket退票通知书
protest note拒付通知书
protest of bills票据拒付证书
without protest无异议
protested cheque被拒付支票
protesting party拒付人





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