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单词 grant


1. consent,concession,agreement 赞同,认可,同意。
△H.V.2.4.120:“and if your father’s Highness / Donot,in grant of all demands at large.”假如你的父王对于这一切要求不肯全部答应。
△3H.VI.3.3.130: “Yourgrant or your denial shall be mine.”你的同意或拒绝也就是我的意见。
2. permission许可。
△2H.IV.4.2.39: “Whose dan-gerous eyes may well be charmed asleep With grantof our most just and right desires,”只要我们公正合理的要求得到允准,它那险恶的眼睛自会被引诱得闭住入睡。
△3H.VI4.1.49:“Ay,what of that? It was my will andgrant,”嗯,那又怎么啦? 这本来就是我的旨意,我许可的。
3. act of bestowing,bestowal赠送,赠品。
△Ado.1.1327(317): “The fairest grant is the necessity.”i.e.The most suitable gift is that which meets the need. 最好的赠礼便是满足一个人的需要。
4. the granting of lands or titles 分封土地颁赐爵位。
△H.V.5.2.365(337): “having any occasion to writefor matter of grant,”遇有封土赐爵之事书写诏书时。


1. assent to,comply with,consent to 同意,依从,赞同。
△Oth.3.3.83:“And fearful to be granted.”你所不敢轻易答应的。
△1H.IV.1.3.262: “which,for diversereasons / Which I shall send you written,be assured /Will easily be granted.”这件事,因为我以后会写信告诉你的种种理由,一定能很容易照办的。
△1H.IV.2.4.395(356):“I grant ye,upon instinct.”我同意,要是本能叫他退(他也会退)。
△H.V.5.2.360(332):“The King hath grantedevery article.”国王已经同意了每 一项条款。
△3H.VI.3.28:“Your Highness shall do well to grant her suit: / Itwere dishonour to deny it her.”陛下最好还是答应她的请求;拒绝她是不大光彩的。
2. admit承认。
△Ham.2.2.100: “Mad let us granthim then,”我们就承认他发疯了吧。
△Oth.2.1.105:“Marry,before your ladyship,I grant,”不错,在夫人面前,我承认。
△Mac.4.3. 57:“I grant him bloody.”我承认他嗜杀。
△2H.IV.2.4.49(46):“Grant that,my poorvirtue,grant that.” 承认吧,我可怜的正经人,承认吧。
△1H.IV.5.4.149(146):“I grant you I was down andout of breath,and so was he; but we rose both at aninstant and fought a long hour by Shrewsbury clock.”我承认我倒在地上喘不过来气,他也是一样;但是我们两个同时站起身来,按照舒斯伯利的大钟计算,足足大战了一个小时。
△H.V.5.Cho.7:“grant him there;”承认他到了那里。
△R.III.1.2.102(101):“I grant ye.”我向你承认。
3. admit as true承认为真。
△2H.IV.1.3.63: “Grantthat our hopes,yet likely of fair birth,/ Should bestill-born,”即使我们的希望也许会流产(其实它仍然很可能顺利实现的)。
4. allow,permit允许,准许。
△Tw.5.1.3(2):“GoodMaster Fabian,grant me another request.” 好费边先生,允许我一个请求。
△2H.IV.4.5.217(218): “How Icame by the crown,O God forgive,/ And grant itmay with thee in true peace live!”我怎样得到这顶王冠的,啊,愿上帝宽恕,也请准许你能平平安安地把它保住!
△3H.VI.3.3.112: “Heavens grant that Warwick’swords bewitch him not!”上天保佑,不要让沃里克的话迷住他!
△R.III.1.2.103(102): “Dost grant me,hedge-hog? Then God grant me too / Thou mayst be damnedfor that wicked deed!”你向我承认了,刺猬?那么上帝也应允了我,你该为了这一罪行而被打入地狱!
△R.III.1.3.76:“God grant we never may have need of you.”愿上帝允许我们永远不再需要你。
△R.III.3.7.202(203):“O,makethem joyful,grant their lawful suit.”啊,让他们高兴吧,答应他们合法的请求。
5. give,afford,offer给予,提供,拿出。
△3H.VI.3.2.12: “I see the lady hath a thing to grant,/ Before theKing will grant (i.e. comply with) her humble suit.”(a thing: her virtue.)我看这位夫人得拿出点什么东西,国王才肯答应她的小小请求。
~ vi. consent,assent赞同,同意。
△Rom.1.5.109(104):“They pray grant thou,lest faith turn to despair.”i.e. Lips pray and you should consent for fear thatfaith turn to despair.它们(嘴唇)在祈求,你答应吧,否则信仰就要变成失望。
grant to: assent to对…同意。
△3H.VI.1.1.244:“Thesoldiers should have tossed me on their pikes / BeforeI would have granted to that act.”哪怕那些兵把我挑在他们的枪尖上,我也不会同意那项决定。


◇ granted that…即使…假定…/ take...for granted对…信以为真
‖ grant a degree授予学位
grant a delay in payment准许延期付款
grant aid无偿军事援助
grant-aided school受补助学校
grant agreement赠款协定
grant a reward赏赐
grant back provision回授条款
grant component赠与成分
grant credit提供信贷
grant in aid补助费
grant-in-aid for agriculture农业财政拨款
grant-in-aid fund财政补贴基金
grant instruction赐教
grant of representation代表权的授予
grant the national treatment to实行国民待遇
granting agency出资单位
granting a second movement两次预蹲
granting of credit提供信贷
granting of increment发放增薪
grantable adj.可给予(补助)的,可许可的,可同意的
grantee n.受让人
grantor=granter n.让与人,出让人,卖 方
grant-aided adj. 受补助的
grant-in-aid (pl. grants-in-aid)n.补助金,资助款,津贴,助学金
grantman n.善于申请补助费者,善于筹措捐款者
grantor=granter n.让与人
granter n.转让者


n. 格兰特[Ulysses Simpson,(1822~ 1885年),美国南北战争时联邦军总司令,第18任总统]





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