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单词 立锥之地

立锥之地lì zhuī zhī dì

an inch of standing room;a place just big enough to stick an awl—a tiny bit of land
❍ 备之命窘,累及诸君。今日身无立锥,诚恐有误诸君。(《三国演义》278) My fate is distressful and full of misery. Today I have not a spot to call my own and I am indeed leading you astray.
❍ 我倒无所谓,反正豁出去了,可妈妈……老一辈……出生入死几十年打下这个江山,如今连~都不给他们! (宗福先《于无声处》23) As for me,I don’t give a damn! But mother!…She risked her life for years like so many old revolutionaries.They liberated our country. Now there isn’t even a toehold for them in all of China.
❍ 今秦失德弃义,侵伐诸侯社稷,灭六国之后,使无~。(《史记·留侯世家》2040)Now Qin,abandoning virtue and disregarding righ teousness,has overthrown the sacred altars of the feudal lords and wiped out the descendants of the Six States,leaving them not enough territory to stick the point of an awl into.
❍ 天地如此之大,难道竟连一个十八岁的女孩子的~都没有? (杨沫《青春之歌》36) Was there no place in the whole wide world for an eighteen-year-old girl like herself?

立锥之地li zhui zhi di

place just enough to stick an awl into—tiny bit of land


tiny bit of land
贫无~be penniless (or flat broke);not possess a speck of land;be completely destitute

立锥之地lì zhuī zhī dì

指插锥子的地方。比喻能够容身的地方非常小。a tiny bit of land, not possess a speak of land, an inch of standing room





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