释义 |
灰huīⅠ ❶ (物质燃烧后剩下的粉末状的东西) ash: 草[木] ~ straw [wood] ashes; 飞 ~ fly ash; 火山 ~ volcanic ashes; 请把香烟 ~ 弹在烟灰缸里。 Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray. ❷ (尘土;某些粉末状的东西) dust: 大风过后,桌上落了一层 ~。 After the wind,there was a layer of dust on the desk. ❸ (特指石灰) lime;(lime) mortar: 和 ~ mix mortar;~ 墙 plastered wall Ⅱ ❶ (介于黑色和白色之间、像木柴灰的颜色) grey: ~ 马 a grey horse ❷ (消沉;失望) disheartened;discouraged: 心 ~ 意懒 feel disheartened ◆灰暗 murky grey;gloomy; 灰白 hoary;greyish white;ashen;pale; 灰斑病 graywall; 灰板 hawk; 灰半蹼鹬 dowitcher; 灰鲳鲹 longfin pompano; 灰尘 dust;dirt;ash;spindrift; 灰翅鸥 glaucous-winged gull; 灰点 {纺} break-mark; 灰蝶 hairstreak;lycaenid; 灰斗 ash bucket;hod; 灰发 achromachia;poliothrix; 灰肥 ash fertilizer; 灰缝 mortar joint; 灰蜉蝣 [英] grey drake; 灰姑娘 Cinderella; 灰光 ashen light; 灰海豹 grey seal;gray seal; 灰海狮 counsellor seal; 灰海豚 cowfish;grampus;risso's dolphin; 灰河鸟 gray dipper; 灰鹤 grey crane; 灰褐色 taupe; 灰胡桃 butternut; 灰黄琥珀 ambrite; 灰浆 {建} mortar; 灰烬 ashes; 灰鲸 California gray whale;gray whale; 灰坑 ashcan;pit; 灰口铁 {冶} grey (pig) iron; 灰蓝色 dusty blue; 灰冷 ash cooling; 灰林鹗 tawny owl; 灰领工人 grey collar worker; 灰溜溜 gloomy;dejected;crestfallen; 灰吕骖 garrick; 灰绿长尾猴 nisnas; 灰绿色 celadon;greyish-green; 灰霉 grey mold; 灰蒙蒙 dusky;overcast; 灰朦 grayout; 灰面 red dog; 灰漠土 desert grey soil; 灰泥 {建} gatch;marl;plaster; 灰拟盾蛇 mole snake; 灰鲭鲨 mako shark;mako;bonito shark;mackerel shark; 灰雀 bullfinch; 灰色 gray;ashy;pessimistic;gloomy;obscure;ambiguous; 灰色决策 grey decision-making; 灰色权力 grey power; 灰色系统 grey system; 灰色消费 grey consumption; 灰色小说 grey novel; 灰砂砖 Dinas bricks;limesand brick;malm brick; 灰沙 dust;sand dust; 灰石棉 mountain leather; 灰市 gray market; 灰市场理论 theory of grey market; 灰鼠 squirrel;chinchilla; 灰苔 {医} grayish fur; 灰陶器 grayware; 灰葶苈 hunger flower; 灰头土面 dusty and dirty in appearance; 灰土 dirt;dust;orthod;Spodosol; 灰豌豆 hoary pea; 灰尾兔 himalayan hare; 灰纹理大理石 calacata; 灰雾 {摄} fog; 灰箱 ash bin;ash can; 灰心 lose heart;be discouraged;be disappointed;be disheartened; 灰心丧气 get disheartened [disappointed];get discouraged;feel depressed;lose heart or become dispirited; 灰熊 {动} silvertip;grizzly bear; 灰绚子 Peking cotoneaster; 灰岩 limestone; 灰窑 ash furnace; 灰鹦鹉 African gray; 灰月季色 ash rose; 灰渣 lime-ash;ash; 灰指甲 {医} ringworm of the nails;leuconychia;onychomycosis; 灰质 {生理} grey matter; 灰紫蓝色 purple; 灰棕色 taupe brown |