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单词 穿


❶ (破;透) pierce through;penetrate: ~ 个窟窿 pierce [bore] a hole;~ 云破雾 pierce through fogs and clouds;
火箭击 ~ 了敌人的坦克。 The rocket penetrated the enemy's tank. 枪弹 ~ 入他的身体。 A bullet entered his body. 他看 ~ 了他们的企图。 He penetrated their designs.
❷ (通过孔、隙、空地等) pass through;cross;go through: ~ 过马路 run across the street;cross a street;~ 过隧道 pass through a tunnel;
从人群中 ~ 过去 thread one's way through the crowd;
船从暗礁之间 ~ 过。 The ship threaded her way between the hidden rocks.咱们从操场 ~ 过去吧。 Let's take the shortcut across the sports field.
❸ (穿着) wear;put on;be dressed in;have ... on: ~ 得很朴素 simply dressed;
她 ~ 着新衣服。 She was wearing a new dress. 他急忙 ~ 上衣服。 He put on his clothes in a hurry. 这种鞋小点不要紧,~ ~ 就大了。 It doesn't matter if the shoes feel a bit tight. They'll stretch with wearing.
❹ (用绳线等通过物体把物品连贯起来) thread;string: 这个小姑娘将贝壳 ~ 在一起,戴在脖子上。 The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck. 这些宝石 ~ 在一根银链上。 These jewels are strung together on a silver chain. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 拓 Chuan Tuo
◆穿插 (交叉) alternate;do alternately;do in turn;(交织) interweave;weave in;insert;{军} (利用敌人的间隙和薄弱部分插入敌人纵深) thrust deep into the enemy forces;
穿刺 {医} puncture;
穿戴 apparel;dress;clothing;what one wears (hat;hair;decorations and dress);
穿过 pass through;cross over;passage;passing;thread;through;
穿甲 armour piercing;
穿旧 thread ̄bare;wear out;
穿孔 (钻孔;凿孔;打孔) bore a hole;punch a hole;punching;piercing;tresis; key punching;{医} (胃、肠等的壁因溃疡形成孔洞) perforate;perforation;
穿孔机 punching machine;piercing mill;trepanner;puncher;perforator;perforating machine;punch;drill rig;
穿廊 covery corridor (leading from one court to another);
穿连裆裤 band together;collude;gang up;
穿破 break;perforation;tresis;
穿梭 shuttle back and forth;
穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy;
穿堂 {建} enterclose;hallway (connecting two courtyards in an old-style Chinese compound);
穿通 (导通) break-over;{医} canalization;{电工} (馈通) feedthrough;(晶体管内穿通现象) punchthrough;
穿透 (贯穿) penetrate;pierce through;pass through;penetration;transmission;piercing;
穿小鞋 give sb. tight shoes to wear — deliberately put sb. to trouble;be punished underhand;get underhand punishment;give (sb.) a hard [tough] nut to crack;make things hard for sb. by abusing one's power;
穿孝 be in mourning;wear mourning;put into mourning;
穿新鞋,走老路 wearing new shoes to walk old paths —stick to the beaten track [path] despite all the new phraseology;wear new shoes but take the old road;
穿心莲 {中药} Herba Andrographitis;Androgra ̄phis paniculata;
穿衣镜 full-length mirror;dressing mirror;wardrobe mirror;
穿窬[踰] [书] cut through a wall or climb over it (in order to rob the house);
穿越 pass through;cut across;
穿针 thread a needle;
穿针引线 get the thread through the eye of the needle — act as a go-between [middleman];act as a matchmaker;act as liaison;pass the thread through the eye of a needle;thread a needle;try to make a match;
穿着 dress;apparel;what one wears;
穿凿 give a farfetched [strained] interpretation;read too much into sth.





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