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(不包含什么; 里面没有东西或没有内容; 不切实际的) empty; hollow; void: ~ 房间 an empty room; ~ 酒瓶 a bottle empty of wine; ~ 箱子 an empty box; 房间很快就腾 ~ 了。 The room emptied very quickly. 屋里 ~ 无一人。 There isn't a single soul in the house. 这棵树被虫子蛀 ~ 了。 This tree has been eaten hollow by worms. 竹子很轻, 因为它中间是 ~ 的。 Bamboo is light because it is hollow. Ⅱ ❶ (天空) sky; air: 领 ~ territorial sky [air]; 晴 ~ a clear [bright] sky; 星 ~ starlit [starry] sky; 夜 ~ the night sky
❷ {佛教} emptiness; void of the world of senses: 四大皆 ~。 All space-directions are void.; Everything is emptiness.
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 全 Kong Quan Ⅲ (没有效果; 白白地) for nothing; in vain: ~ 忙 make fruitless efforts; ~ 跑一趟 make a journey for nothing
另见 see also kònɡ。
◆空拔 empty sinking; 空靶 air target; aerial target; airborne target; 空包弹(药) {军} black cartridge; blank ammunition; 空舱费 {交} dead freight; 空肠 {生理} jejunum; 空城计 the stratagem of the empty city — presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence; bluffing the enemy by opening the gates of a weekly defended city; bewilder and keep away the enemy by opening the gate of an ungarrisoned [unfortified] city; 空荡荡 empty; deserted; 空挡 interlunation; vacuum; neutral; free position; neutral position; neutral gear; 空荡 emptiness; 空地导弹 air-to-ground guided missile; 空洞 cavity; void; empty; hollow; devoid of content; vague and general; hollow; 空洞浮夸 empty and bombastic; have all one's goods in the windows; windy verbiage [verbosity]; 空洞无物 utter lack of substance; shallow understanding; as bare as the palm of one's hand; an empty cave without anything; devoid of content; nothing at all; 空对地 {军} air to surface [ground]; 空对舰导弹 air-to-ship missile; 空对空 {军} air to air; 空乏 (穷困) destitute; 空翻 {体} somersault; flip; 空泛 vague and general; not specific; not deep-going; 空防 air defense; 空腹 on an empty stomach; 空谷足音 sound of footsteps in a deserted valley — rare, welcome appearance; 空喊 indulge in empty shouting [talk]; 空耗 consume for nothing; expend in vain; waste; consume; idle; 空话 empty talk; empty words; idle talk; holllow words; lip service; rhetorical flourishes; 空话连篇 fill endless pages with empty verbiage [talk]; empty phrases on a scrap of paper; full of empty words; indulge in idle talk; pages and pages of empty verbiage; talk endlessly with no substance at all; 空欢喜 rejoice too soon; be or feel let down; 空幻 visionary; illusory; illusive; fanciful; imaginary; 空际 in the sky; in the air; 空架子 a mere skeleton; a bare outline; 空间 space; enclosure; room; blank; interspace; 空降 airborne; land from the air; airborne landing; 空(中小)姐 airline stewardess; 空军 air force; air service; 空壳 ghost; 空空 empty; nothing; {佛教} unreality of unreality; 空空如也 absolutely empty; all empty; as bare as the palm of one's hand; be empty of ...; entirely empty; having nothing in it; really nothing at all; There is nothing in (to) it.; 空口(吃) eat dishes without rice or wine; eat rice or drink wine with nothing to go with it; 空口白话 make empty promises; all talk and no deed; empty promise without substance; empty words; pay (mere) lip service; speak [talk] without acting [taking action]; with mere words of mouth; 空口无凭 a verbal statement without any proof; A mere verbal statement is no guarantee.; Oral expressions cannot be taken as proofs.; Lest a verbal arrangement should not furnish a substantial proof ...; mere words without a factual basis; 空旷 open; void; wide; spacious; 空廓 open; spacious; 空阔 open; spacious; 空论 empty talk; 空落落 spacious and desolate; open and desolate; empty; 空门 {电} null gate; {佛教} Buddhism; 空濛[书] hazy; misty; 空难 air disaster; 空炮 {采矿} blown-out shot; windy shot; 空气 air; atmosphere; air brake; pneum-; pneumo-; pneumat-; pneumatio-; atm-; atmo-; physo-; aer-; aero-; 空气冷却 {机} air cooling; cooling by means of air; 空气调节 air conditioning; air handling; conditioning of air; air-condition; 空气污染 air contamination; air pollution; 空气压缩 {物} air compression; 空气浴 air bath; 空前 unprecedented; unparalleled; 空前绝后 surpass the past and future; be unsurpassed (in excellence) — unique; never known before and never to occur again; not equaled before or after; without parallel before or since; without parallel in history; the first and the last; unprecedented and unexampled ever afterwards; unprecedented and unrepeata ̄ ble; 空腔 cavity; 空勤 air duty; 空勤组 aircrew; plan crew; flight crew; 空拳 hold nothing in the hand; bare-handed; 空手 empty-handed; 空速 {航空} airspeed; 空谈 indulge in empty talk; empty talk; idle talk; prattle; 空调 air-conditioning; 空投 air-drop; paradrop; aerial delivery; 空头 {经} bear; short-seller; oversold position; nominal; phony; vain; 空头支票 lip-service; an empty promise; kiting cheque; bounced [dishonoured; dud; rubber] check; accommodation kite; accommodation bill; fictitious paper; 空文 ineffective law, rule, etc.; 空吸 {物} suction; 空袭 air raid; air attack; strike; air-tillery; 空喜一场 dreamed of happiness; 空想 fancy; idle dream; daydream; fantasy; hope in vain; 空想家 theoretician; dreamer; visionary; 空心 hollow; hollow heart; nothing in mind; 空虚 hollow; void; aeriality; inanity; inanition; 空穴 {电子} hole; electron hole; cavity; positive hole; 空穴来风 An empty hole invites the wind — weakness lends wings to rumours.; There is something behind this.; Wind comes from the hollow cave — being not a groundless rumour.; 空邮 airmail; air mail; 空域 {航空} airspace; 空运 air transport; air freight; airlift; ferry; skylift; transport by air; 空载 carrying idler; idler; idling; no-live load; empty load; no-load; non-load; weight empty; 空战 air battle; aerial combat; air action; aerial engagement; air-to-air combat; air-to-air warfare; 空指令 {计} do-nothing instruction; dummy instruction; blank instruction; skip; blank command; 空中 in the sky; in the air; aerial; overhead; midair; 空中加油 {航空} flight-refuel; air [aerial] refueling; inflight refueling; 空中交通 air traffic; 空中劫持罪 crime of aerial hijacking; 空中客车 airbus; 空中警戒 {军} airborne alert; 空中楼阁 castles in the air; aerial castle; a fantasied edifice; air-castle; a mirage; a Spanish castle; be (no more than) a castle(s) in the air [in Spain]; cloud-castle; day-dreams; illusions; fata morgana Sicily; “ivory tower”; plan empty visionary schemes; realm of fancy; 空重 {交} bare weight; empty weight; 空钟 [口] diabolo; 空竹 diabolo; 空转 {机} idling; racing; runfree; blank run; turn without moving forward; spin; lost motion; 空字符 {计} NUL (null character)


(腾出来; 使空) leave empty or blank; empty; vacate: ~ 出一个抽屉 empty a drawer; 每段开头要 ~ 两格。 Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. 请把前面一排座位 ~ 出来。 Please leave the front row of seats vacant. Ⅱ (没有被利用或里面缺少东西) unoccupied; vacant; blank: ~ 房 a vacant room; ~ 行 blank line; ~ 座位 unoccupied seat; 车厢里 ~ 得很。 There are many vacant seats in the carriage. Ⅲ ❶ (尚未占用的地方) empty space: 各行之间多留点 ~ 儿。 Leave a little more space between the rows. 用正确的词填 ~。 Fill the blank spaces with right words.
❷ (尚未占用的时间) free time; spare time: 今天没 ~儿, 改日再谈吧。 I'm busy today. Let's talk about it some other day. 你有 ~ 儿吗? Are you free? 有 ~ 儿到我这儿来。 Come over when you have time.
另见 see also kōnɡ。
◆空白 blank space; gap; margin; 空白背书 blank endorsed; endorsed in blank; 空白带 blank tape; 空白点 blank spot; blank; gap; void; 空处 void; air space; 空当儿 [口] interval; break; gap; 空当子 [口] gap; break; 空地 opening; blank; area; lawn; maidan; vacant lot; open ground; open space; 空额 vacancy; 空格 leave a blank space (on a form); blank space (on a form); 空号 {讯} space; absentee; dead number; 空缺 vacant position; vacancy; 空位 a vacant or unoccupied seat; void; vacancy; {固物} {物} {半} vacancy; bit bare; dummy bit; spare space; vacant site; void; 空隙 interval; gap; space; clearance; separation; air-gap (AG); slot; {铸件} allowance; chasm; lash; yawn; rift; clear; lacuna; interspace; 空暇 free time; spare time; leisure; 空闲 idle; free; free time; spare time; leisure; 空心 hollow; 空子 gap; opening; chance; opportunity



emptiness;void of the world senses





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